

Læknablaðið - 15.05.1985, Qupperneq 40

Læknablaðið - 15.05.1985, Qupperneq 40
140 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ samtímis. Samskonar skipting 951 gláku- sjúklings, sem ekki eru í meðferð á glákudeild Landakotsspítala er sýnd í töflu IV. Samanburður á hlutfallsskiptingu lyfja- notkunar þeirra sjúklinga á glákudeild og utan glákudeildar sem aðeins nota eitt lyf sést á 4. mynd. Á glákudeild er pilocarpin og epinephrin meira notað, sem eina lyf, en timolol og acetazolamid utan glákudeildar. Munur er þó ekki verulegur. í töflu V er sýnd skipting allra 1.443 glákusjúklinga, sem könnunin fjallar um, Table III. Use of glaucoma medication, Outpatient Glaucoma Clinic, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Reykjavík, Jceland, September 1981-February 1982. Number using with other drugs Drugs Numbers of patients Number using only one drug total with Epinephrine with Pilocarpine Garbachol with Timolol with Acatazol- amide Eye-drops Epinephrine - Total . 19 12 7 - 3 — 4 Eppy 2 1 1 - 1 - 4 Isoptoep. 1% 17 11 6 - 2 - 4 Carbachol - Total . 13 8 5 - - — 5 1.5% 1 1 - — — _ 3% 12 7 5 — _ _ 5 Pilocarpine -Total . 196 118 78 44 4 — 30 1% 6 6 - - - — — 2% . 60 48 12 7 1 _ 4 4% . 130 64 66 37 3 _ 26 Timolol - Total . 251 112 139 15 95 5 24 0.25% . 101 53 48 4 38 - 6 0.5% . 150 59 91 11 57 5 18 Oral medication Acetazolamide - Total . 13 11 2 1 1 — _ T. acetazolamide 250 mg... . 10 8 2 1 1 — _ C. Diamox 500 mg 3 3 - - - - - Total 492 261 231 60 103 5 63 Table IV. Use of glaucoma medication. Patients not attending Outpatient Glaucoma Clinic, Iceland September 1981-February 1982. Number using with other drugs Drug Number of patients Number using only one drug total with Epinephrine with Pilocarpine Carbachol with Timolol with Acetazolami- de Eye-drops Epinephrine - Total .... 17 9 8 - 4 — 3 Eppy - - - - - - — Isoptoepinal 1% .... 17 9 8 - 4 - 3 Carbachol - Total .... 31 19 12 í 1 _ 9 1.5% 7 7 - - — _ 3% .... 24 12 12 í 1 _ 9 Pilocarpine - Totai .... 345 220 125 31 9 _ 84 1% .... 11 11 - - — _ _ 2% .... 148 106 42 8 1 _ 33 4% .... 186 103 83 23 8 _ 51 Timolol - Total .... 507 270 237 12 163 7 52 0.25% .... 131 75 56 3 42 _ 10 0.5% .... 376 195 181 9 121 7 42 Oral medication Acetazolamide - Total .... 51 42 9 2 6 _ T. 250 mg ... 44 35 9 2 6 _ _ C. 500 mg 7 7 ~ - - - Total 951 560 391 46 183 7 146
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