

Læknablaðið - 15.11.1991, Page 10

Læknablaðið - 15.11.1991, Page 10
334 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ SUMMARY This study was done to see whether mortality from accidents and drowning among seamen have changed through the years. This is a historical prospective study. The study population comprised 27884 seamen who were registered at the Seamens’ Pension Fund. The members of the fund thus formed the cohort. It included both fishermen and sailors from the merchant fleet, most of them were deck crew. A record linkage was done with the National Register and the Register of Deceased to get information on water transport accidents (ICD-7 E850-E858), the study period was 1966 to 1986. The number of persons registered each calendar year at the Pension Fund was used as denominator. The mortality rate for water transport accidents was 89.4 per 105 and did not change markedly during the study period. The mortality rate for submersion was unchanged 73.2 per 105. Most of those who drowned were 20 to 24 years of age but the mortality rate for drowning was highest among those aged 45 to 54. It is conluded that further preventive measures are needed to lower the mortality from drowning which in Iceland seems higher than have been found in a recent study on fishermen in Canada. HEIMILDIR 1. Pugh LGC. Isafjordur trawler disaster: Medical aspects. Br Med J 1968; I: 826-9. 2. Finnbogadóttir V. Hvað er eitt líf án samhjálpar frá vinum? Ávarp á afmælisjjingi SVFÍ 27. maí 1988. Árbók Slysavamafélags Islands 1989. Reykjavík: Slysavamafélag íslands, 1989. 3. Steenland K, Beaumont J, Spaeth S, et al. New developments in the life table analysis system of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. J Occup Med 1990; 32: 1091-8. 4. Rafnsson V, Jóhannesdóttir SG, Oddsson H, Benediktsson H, Tulinius H, Magnússon G. Mortality and cancer incidence among marine engineers and machinists in Iceland. Scand J Work Environ Health 1988; 14: 197-200. 5. Rafnsson V, Gunnarsdóttir H. Mortality study of fertiliser manufacturers in Iceland. Br J Ind Med 1990; 47: 721-5. 6. Ahlbom A. Biostatistik för epidemiologer. Lund: Studentlitteratur, 1990. 7. Siegel S. Nonparametric Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. Intemational Student edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1956. 8. Hasselback P, Neutel CI. Risk for commercial fishing deaths in Canadian Atlantic provinces. Br J Ind Med 1990; 47: 498-501. 9. Moore SRW. The mortality and morbidity of deep sea fishermen sailing from Grimsby in one year. Br J Ind Med 1969; 26: 25-46. 10. Schilling RSF. Trawler fishing: an extreme occupation. Proceedings of thc Royal Society of Medicine 1966; 59: 405-10. 11. Reilley MSJ. Mortality from occupational accidents to United Kingdom fishermen 1961-80. Br J Ind Med 1985; 42: 806-14. 12. Weihe P. Söens folk - Arbejdsmiljöcts helbredspávirkning. In: Jepsen JR, Christensen JM. Söfarts- og fiskerimedicin. Status og udvikling. Esbjerg: Sydjysk Universitetsforlag, 1988: 123-41. 13. Bang J, Fisherman M, Franck C, Lyngenbo O, Nielsen A, Weihe P. Dödsulykker blant söens folk. In: Jepsen JR, Christensen JM. Söfarts- og fiskerimedicin. Status og udvikling. Esbjerg: Sydjysk Universitetsforlag, 1988: 143-70. 14. Vanggárd L, Nielscn S. Arbejdsmiljöel i dansk fiskeri. Ugeskr Læger 1977; 139: 413-24. 15. Pedersen HP. Dödsfall blant fiskere, FTFI-raport nr. 662. 4-5. 1. 16. Laxness HK. Gerpla. Þriðja útgáfa. Reykjavík: Helgafell, 1956.



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