Búskapur hins opinbera 1993-1994 - 01.03.1995, Blaðsíða 57
Tafla 4.7
Hlutur launa í samneyslu hins opinbera 1983-1993.
Compensation of employees in general govemment consumption 1983-1993.
- Milljónir króna og hlutfall af samneyslu /Million krónur and perc. of consumption -
Verðlag hvers árs: 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 At current prices:
Almcnn mál 1.193 1.430 1.955 2.700 3.919 5.015 5.573 6.670 7.372 7.552 7.910 Public adnúnistration
1. Almenn stjómsýsla S38 671 904 1.214 1.782 2.307 2.718 3.401 3.637 3.771 3.896 1. General public services.
2. Réttar- og öryggismál 655 760 1.051 1.486 2.137 2.709 2.855 3.269 3.735 3.781 4.014 2. Public order and safety affairs.
Félagsleg þjónusta 4 898 5.858 8.524 11.965 17.473 23.118 27.104 30.440 34.855 35.948 37.651 Social affairs and services
3. Fræðslumál 1.742 2.072 3.147 4.458 6.359 8.217 9.598 10.675 12.072 12.446 12.555 3. Education affairs and services.
4. Heilbrigðismál 2.053 2.550 3.539 4.917 7.429 9.974 11.560 12.722 14.326 14.357 14.985 4. Health affairs and services.
5. Almannatr. og velferðarmál 534 610 1.035 1.454 2.097 2.911 3.477 4.218 5.143 5.641 6.112 5. Social security and welfare affairs
6. Húsn, skipul. og hreinsunarmál 207 233 298 419 569 706 837 850 1.145 1.292 1.313 6. Housing and community amenty affairs
7. Menningarmál 363 394 505 716 1.019 1.311 1.633 1.975 2.169 2.213 2.686 7. Recreational, cultural and religious affair
Atvinnumál 605 750 1.062 1.385 1.947 2.440 2.773 3.223 3.735 3.875 4.096 Econonúc affairs and services
8. Orkumál 85 84 123 160 218 236 251 226 231 233 234 8. Fuel and energy affairs and services
9. Landbúnaðarmál 58 77 129 145 205 229 248 354 456 398 413 9. Agricultual affairs and services
10. Sjávarútvegsmál 104 129 189 251 358 421 442 529 654 750 767 10. Fishing andfish processing affairs
11. Iðnaðarmál 26 39 62 83 127 168 185 222 265 281 288 11. Manufacturing and construction affairs
12. Samgöngumál 272 333 449 598 815 1.100 1.316 1.393 1.493 1.563 1.686 12. Transportation and communication affair
13. önnur atvinnumál 62 89 111 148 223 286 331 499 635 650 708 13. Other economic affairs and services
önnur opinber þjónusta 422 537 762 1.005 1.449 2.053 2.373 2.955 2.968 3.023 3.420 Expenditures not classified by major group
Afskriftir - - Consumption of fixed capital
Samneysla alls 7.118 8.575 12.303 17.054 24.788 32.627 37.823 43.288 48.930 50.399 53.076 Total government final consumption
Hlutfall afsamneyslu: 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 As perc. of govemm. final consumption:
Almenn mál 69,8 68,0 67,1 69,3 70,1 68,2 67,4 65.3 64,1 65,3 65,1 Public administration
1. Almenn stjómsýsla 67,6 65,0 63.2 65,2 65,1 62,1 62,2 58,9 56,2 58,5 57,6 1. General public services.
2. Réttar- og öryggismál 71,8 70,9 71,0 73,2 74,8 74,4 73,4 73,6 74,3 74,0 74,6 2. Public order and safety affairs.
Félagsleg þjónusta 61,8 61,0 60,8 61,5 65,8 66,5 64,9 64,1 64,9 65,0 65,0 Social affairs and services
3. Fræðslumál 75,2 73,4 74,5 77,0 79,0 79,4 78,2 77,6 78,2 78,0 76,6 3. Education affairs and services.
4. Heilbrigðismál 48,8 50,2 49,0 48,4 54,3 55,5 53.7 53,0 54,0 54,1 55,1 4. Health affairs and services.
5. Almannatr. og velferðarmál 90,2 90,3 87,4 88,7 88,5 88,6 92,1 91,2 90,7 91,7 93,2 5. Social security and welfare affairs
6. Húsn, skipul. og hreinsunarmál 57,5 54,0 50,6 56,1 53,9 54.5 48,9 40,4 44,8 44,5 39,6 6. Housing and community amenty affairs
7. Menningarmál 79,9 66,3 63,8 63,8 71,9 69,5 66,8 66,6 62,6 58,8 59,9 7. Recreational, cultural and religious affair
Atvinnumál 41,0 39,8 42,2 42,6 47,9 51,4 46,5 46,4 51,1 51,0 48,8 Economic affairs and services
8. Orkumál 85,5 80,5 84,6 89,0 78.1 86,2 84,3 98,0 90,8 87,7 107,1 8. Fuel and energy affairs and services
9. Landbúnaðarmál 63,7 59,3 73,4 66,7 66,0 70,9 71,1 74,8 71,6 78,8 71,4 9. Agricultual affairs and services
10. Sjávarútvegsmál 64,6 63,8 62,6 70,3 73,3 72,9 70,1 67,1 66,6 67,4 64,1 10. Fishing andfish processing affairs
11. Iðnaðarmál 78,5 66,0 77,4 110,9 109,7 104,2 119,1 109,4 114,5 107,2 120,9 11. Manufacturing and construction affairs
12. Samgöngumál 27,3 27,0 28,4 28,1 32,9 37,9 33,9 31.1 33,8 33,6 33,2 12. Transportation and communication affair
13. önnur atvinnumál 64,2 56,7 47,4 50,1 56.7 56,3 51,0 65,2 80,7 81,3 65.5 13. Other economic affairs and services
önnur opinber þjónusta 82,7 93,9 79,8 82,4 90,4 89,0 87,9 88,5 88,3 87,7 91,3 Expenditures not classified by major group
Afskriftir Consumption of fixed capital
Samneysla alls 59,1 58,3 58,2 59,3 63,6 64,6 62,7 61,8 62,6 62,7 62,6 Total government final consumption
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