Búskapur hins opinbera 1993-1994 - 01.03.1995, Blaðsíða 59
Tafla 4.9
Tekjutilfærslur ríkisins 1984-1993.
Central govemment current transfers 1984-1993.
- Milljónir króna og innbyrðis hlutdeild / Million krónur and percentage breakdovm -
1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993
TEKJUTILFÆRSLUR 7.101,4 9.941,1 13.260,5 15.818,3 22.628,3 26.797,4 34.870,9 39.766,7 40.831,4 42.200,4 INCOME TRANSFERS
Stjórnsýsla 75.3 128,2 129,1 175,1 362,9 568,0 567,0 699,9 611,5 771,4 Public adnúnistration
1. Opinber stjómsýsla 59,1 109,9 107,6 139,2 327,0 519,7 506,9 622,0 519,4 692,2 I. General public services
2. Réttargæsla og öryggismál 16,2 18,3 21.5 35,9 35,9 48,3 60,1 77,9 92,1 79,2 2. Public order and safety affairs
Félagsmál 6.976,4 9.718,0 13.041,0 15.521,8 22.081,4 25.978,0 32.910,1 37.392,8 38.535,7 39.664,6 Social affairs and services
3. Fræðslumál 52,2 101,1 128,0 172,5 255,1 304,3 262,3 325,3 378,3 377,6 3. Educational ajfairs and services
4. Heilbrigðismál 2.745,8 3.834,5 5.219,0 4.912,6 6.395,8 7.263,2 9.879,8 11.086,5 10.596,4 10.200,3 4. Health affairs and services
- Til sjúkratrygginga 2.738,1 3.821,9 5.214,6 4.824,7 6.229,7 7.102.5 9.690,3 10.758,5 10.368,0 9.777,6 - Health insurence
- Annað 7.7 12,6 4,4 87,9 166,1 160,7 189,5 328,0 228,4 422,7 - Other health services
5. Almannatr. og velferðarmál 3.967,5 5.486,2 7.233,9 9.803,5 14.589,6 17.086,6 21.507,6 24.510,4 25.858,8 27.446,4 5. Social security and welfare affairs
- Til lífeyristrygginga 2.582,3 3.842,4 4956,3 6.968,3 9.278,9 10.814,3 12.720,9 14.459,0 15.307,4 15.903,3 - Pension and disability insurence
- Til atvinnuleysistrygg. 211,0 248,0 363,1 463,9 347,7 903,3 943,0 1.261,7 1.761,0 2.165,0 - Unemployment insurence
- Til slysatrygginga 105,3 131,5 159,7 237,2 300,0 365,6 597,7 775,2 874,7 1.022,1 - Accident insurence
- Barnabætur 879,9 1.072,6 1.442,8 1.881,0 3.035,7 3.718,3 4.381,1 4.819,0 4.399,7 4.458,4 - Family allowance
- Vaxta og húsnæðisbætur - - - - 1.233,4 784,8 2.275,4 2.545,5 2.903,9 3.193,9 - Housing benefits
- Oliustyrkur 35,2 30,0 - - - - - - - - - Gasoline subsidies
- Annað 153,8 161,7 312,0 253,1 393,9 500,4 589,4 650,0 612,1 703,8 - Other welfare affairs
6. Húsnæðis- & skipulagsmál 5.6 0,0 o.o o.o 0,0 0.5 1.1 2.7 90,9 55,2 6. Housing and community amenty affairs
7. Menningarmál 205,3 296,2 460,1 633,2 840,9 1.323,4 1.259,3 1.467,9 1.611,3 1.585,1 7. Cultural and religious affairs
- Sóknar og kirkjugarðsgjöld 161,2 188,6 330,7 458,1 610,5 1.036,3 995,9 1.140,7 1.274,3 1.298,5 - Religious andfuneral affairs
- Annað 44,1 107,6 129,4 175,1 230,4 287,1 263,4 327,2 337,0 286,6 - Other cultural and religious affairs
Atvinnumúl 47,5 93,9 88,4 118,4 141,0 248,0 186,7 308,1 187,2 268,4 Economic affairs and services
8. Orkumál 4,0 1.7 6,4 5.2 1.4 3.0 4.5 6,0 5.7 6,3 8. Fuel and energy affairs andservices
9 Landbúnaðarmál 18,0 31,0 30,6 48,0 29,4 51.0 45.7 58,5 n.o 10.5 9. Agricultural affairs
10. Sjávarútvegsmál 0.5 9,4 1.3 2,3 2,0 3.9 5.1 21,0 11.4 9.1 10. Fishing and fish processing affairs
11. Iðnaðarmál 4,8 9,7 0.6 0.6 21.1 17,8 19,6 29,1 25,6 36,3 II. Manufacluring and construction affairs
12. Samgöngumál 16,4 20,6 26,4 31,0 57,5 57,7 72,8 84,8 77,5 102,2 12. Transportation and communication affairs
13. önnur atvinnumál 3.8 21,5 23,1 31,3 29,6 114,6 38,9 108,8 55,9 103,8 13. Other economic affairs and services
Önnur þjónusta ríkisins 2,2 1.0 2.0 3,0 43,0 3.4 1.207,0 1.365,9 1.497,0 1.496,0 Expenditures not classified by major group
Innbyróis hlutdeild: Percentage breakdown:
Tekjutilfærslur alls 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 Income transfers, total
Stjómsýsla 1.1 1.3 1.0 1.1 1.6 2.1 1.6 1.8 1.5 1.8 Public administration
Félagsmál 98,2 97,8 98,3 98,1 97,6 96,9 94,4 94,0 94,4 94,0 Social affairs and services
3. Fræðslumál 0,7 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 0,8 0,8 0.9 0.9 3. Educational affairs and services
4. Heilbrigðismál 38,7 38,6 39,4 31.1 28,3 27,1 28,3 27,9 26,0 24,2 4. Health affairs and services
5. Almannatr. og velferðarmál 55,9 55,2 54,6 62,0 64,5 63,8 61,7 61,6 63,3 65,0 5. Social security and welfare affairs
6. Húsnæðis- & skipulagsmál 0,1 o.o o.o o.o 0,0 0,0 o.o o.o 0.2 o.i 6. Housing and community amenty affairs
7. Menningarmál 2,9 3.0 3.5 4.0 3.7 4,9 3.6 3.7 3,9 3.8 7. Cultural and religious affairs
Atvinnumál o.fl. 0,7 0,9 0.7 0.7 0,6 0,9 0.5 0,8 0,5 0.6 Economic affairs and services
Hlutfall af tekjum rikissjóðs: As percentage of govemment receipts:
Tekjutilfærslur alls 28,2 30,1 30,4 27,9 29,6 29,2 33,0 33,3 33,8 35,6 Income transfers, total
Stjómsýsla 0.3 0,4 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.6 0,5 0.6 0.5 0.7 Public administration
Félagsmál 27,8 29,4 29,9 27,4 28,9 28,3 31,1 31,3 31.9 33,5 Social affairs and services
3. Fræðslumál 0,2 0.3 0.3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 3. Educational affairs and services
4. Heilbrigðismál 10,9 11.6 12,0 8,7 8.4 7.9 9,3 9.3 8,8 8,6 4. Health affairs and services
5. Almannatr. og velferðarmál 15,8 16,6 16,6 17,3 19,1 18,6 20,3 20,5 21,4 23,2 5. Social security and welfare affairs
6. Húsnæðis- & skipulagsmál 0,0 0,0 o.o o.o 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 o.i 0,0 6. Housing and community amenty affairs
7. Menningarmál 0,8 0,9 1.1 U 1.1 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 7. Cultural and religious affairs
Atvinnumál o.fl. 0,2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0,2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0,2 0.2 Economic affairs and services