Hagskýrslur um atvinnuveg


Hagskýrslur um atvinnuveg - 01.01.1986, Side 187

Hagskýrslur um atvinnuveg - 01.01.1986, Side 187
185 Viðauki 3 Table 4.2 Table 4.3 Table 4.4 Table 4.5 Table 4.6 Table 4.7 Table 4.8 Table 4.9 Table 4.10 Table 4.11 Table 5.1-5.4 Table 5.1 Table 5.2 Table 5.3 Table 5.4 Table 6.1-6.5 Table 6.1 Table 6.2 Table 6.3 Stærðardreifing fyrirtækja samkvæmt launamiðaskýrslum, laun ársins 1983 Stærðardreifing fyrirtækja samkvamt launamiðaskýrslum, laun ársins 1984 Greidd laun í einstökum atvinnugreinum á árinu 1983 skv. launamiðum og samanburður við 1982. Fjöldi launagreiðenda og launþega og reiknuð ársverk á árinu 1983 Greidd laun í einstökum atvinnugreinum á árinu 1984 skv. launamiðum og samanburður við 1983. Fjöldi launagreiðenda og launþega og reiknuð ársverk á árinu 1984 Launagreiðslur eftir rekstrarformi fyrirtækja 1983 og flokkun atvinnugreina skv. tveggja stafa ISIC-staðli Launagreiðslur eftir rekstrarformi fyrirtækja 1984 og flokkun atvinnugreina skv. tveggja stafa ISIC-staðli Fjöldi fyrirtækja 1983 eftir rekstrarformi og atvinnugreinum skv. tveggja stafa ISIC-staðli Fjöldi fyrirtækja 1984 eftir rekstrarformi og atvinnugreinum skv. tveggja stafa ISIC-staðli Sundurliðun á greiddum launun fyrirtækja 1983 og flokkun atvinnugreina eftir tveggja stafa ISIC-staðli Sundurliðun á greiddum launum fyrirtækja 1984 og flokkun atvinnugreina eftir tveggja stafa ISIC-staðli Vinnuafl samkvæmt slysatryggðum vinnuvikum Skipting vinnuafls eftir atvinnugreinum 1975-1983 Vísitölur vinnuafls eftir atvinnugreinum 1975-1983 Skipting vinnuafls eftir atvinnugreinum skv. tveggja stafa ISIC-staðli 1975-1983 Hlutfallsleg skipting vinnuafls eftir atvinnugreinum árin 1975-1983 Magnvísitölur, veltutölur og verðlag Magnvísitölur iðnaðarvöruframleiðslunnar 1975-1983 Heildarvelta nokkurra atvinnugreina skv. söluskattsframtölum 1979-1984 Verðlag 1971-1986, vísitölur 1980=100 The size distribution of establishments according to tax returns 1983 The size distribution of establishments according to tax returns 1984 Wages paid to employees, by kind of activity according to tax returns 1983 in comparison to the year 1982. Number of employers and employees and computed man-years 1983 Wages paid to employees, by kind of activity according to tax returns 1984 in comparison to the year 1983. Number of employers and employees and computed man-year 1984 Wages paid to employees 1983, by type of establishments and kind of activity according to two digits ISIC-classification Wages paid to employees 1984, by type of establishments and kind of activity according to two digits ISIC-classification Number of establishments 1983 by type of establishments and kind of activity according to two digits ISIC-classification Number of establishments 1984 by type of establishments and kind of activity according to two digits ISIC-classification Itemization of wages paid to employees in 1983 by type of payment and activity according to two digits ISIC-classification Itemization of wages paid to employees in 1984 by type of payment and activity according to two digits ISIC-classification Employment according to number of accident- insured work-weeks The distribution of employment by kind of activity 1975-1983, Indices of employment by kind of activity 1975-1983 The distribution of employment by kind of activity according to ISIC-classification 1975-1983 The distribution of employment by kind of activity 1975-1983 Volume indices, gross turnover and prices Volume indices of manufacturing production 1975-1983 Gross turnover in some industries according to sales tax returns 1979-1984 Prices 1971-1986. Indices 1980=100
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Hagskýrslur um atvinnuveg

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