Hagskýrslur um iðnað - 01.01.1958, Blaðsíða 130
Translation of headings in tables.
(For English translation of industrial groups (ISIC)í See p. 9* in Introduction).
Summary tables in introduction.
In all summary tables except No. 8:
Col. 1 ISIC code, major groups.
„ 2 Names of major groups.
1. Insured working weeks of operatives (except
sales workers) 1947—1955.
2. Percentage distrihution of insured working
weeks 1947,1950,1953 and 1955, by major groups.
3. Rate of reporting 1953, by niajor groups.
3 Rate of reporting.
4. Number of establisliments 1953, by kind of
ownership and major groups.
3 Number of establishments owned by indi-
vidual persons.
4-6 Number of establishments owned by com-
4 Hability companies and limited partner-
5 Joint-stock companies.
6 Co-operative societics.
7 Number of other cstablishments (owned
by Government, communes, associations
and institutions).
8 Total.
5. Manufacturing establishments 1953, by size
and major groups.
3-10 Number of establishments.
3 Witli 50 persons engaged and over.
4 With 20—49 persons engaged.
5 With 10—19 persons engaged.
6 With 5—9 persons engaged.
7 With less than 5 persons engaged.
8 Total.
9 With gross income of kr. 2 mill. and over.
10 With insurance value of fixed assets of
kr. 2 mill. and over.
6. Number of persons engaged at the end of cach
month 1953, by major groups.
7. Average number of persons engaged (by sex),
numbcr of skilled workcrs and apprentices and
total of man-hours paid to opcratives, by major
3-5 Average number of operatives.
3 Males.
4 Fcmales.
5 Total.
6-8 Average numbcr of administrative, techni-
cal, clerical and other workers.
6 Males.
7 Females.
8 Total.
9-11 Total average number of persons engaged.
12 Number of skilled workers at end of year.
13 Number of apprentices at end of year.
14 Total man-hour paid to operatives.
8. Number of apprentices in all industries
at the end of 1953.
9. Gross income and expenditurc 1953,
by major groups (in tlious. of kr.).
3 Gross income.
4 Gross expenditure.
5 Col. 3 -f- col. 4.
10. Gross income 1953 by origin, for each
major group.
3 Sales value of goods produced and services
rendered (sales tax not included).
4 Per cent of gross income.
5 Sales value of goods sold without proces-
sing (sales tax not included).
6 House-rent received.
7 All other income.
8 Gross income.
11. Gross cxpcnditurc 1953, by kind and
major groups.
3 Purchase value of raw materials used.
4 Purchase value of goods sold without pro-
5-9 Wages and salaries.