Gripla - 01.01.2002, Page 231
In a celebrated article from 1960, N.R. Ker identifies an interesting change in scribal
habits in thirteenth-century England. Whereas it had been common practice to write
the first line of text above the frame defined by the ruling of the manuscript, or, in
Ker’s terminology, ‘above top line’, by the end of the century most scribes were writ-
ing the first line below the uppermost ruling, or, in Ker’s words, ‘below top line’. In
this article Ker’s insight is applied to 200 Icelandic and Norwegian medieval manu-
scripts. It transpires that fourteenth-century Norwegian manuscripts fit quite well into
the European pattem defined by Ker and a few other scholars, whereby the first line is
generally written below top line and mled with ink. Icelandic manuscripts show a more
complicated pattem, with more than 60% written above top line and a majority ruled
with dry ruling. However, in fourteenth-century Icelandic manuscripts we can identify
a tendency similar to that revealed in Norwegian manuscripts, with more than 60%
written above top line. In the fifteenth century and, to an even greater extent, in the six-
teenth century Icelandic scribes reverted to older habits, with respectively 70% and
89% of the manuscripts being written below top line. This represents yet another indi-
cation of trends in the making of Icelandic manuscripts differing significantiy from the
situation in European countries.
13. öld
AM 302 fol
AM 305 fol
AM 322 fol
AM 334 fol
AM 39 fol
AM 75 a fol
AM 243 b ot fol
AM 56 4to
AM 78 4to
AM 134 4to
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AM 310 4to
AM 325 I 4to
AM 325 II 4to
AM 325 VII 4to AM 680 a 4to
AM 327 4to GKS 1157 fol
AM 619 4to GKS 2365 4to
AM 645 4to GKS 2870 4to
AM 652 4to NKS 1640 4to
AM 677 4to
AM 679 4to
14. öld
AM 45 fol
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AM 54 fol
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AM 75 c fol
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