
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.12.1971, Qupperneq 58

Jökull - 01.12.1971, Qupperneq 58
Gilsá river, and there called Rj by Wensink. The still lower normal group at the mouth of the Gilsá river, Wensink calls N,. Our normal group, which for convenience we shall simply call NG, can however not be called Ni, neither in the absolute sense nor regionally, for it is again covered by a new reverse group, as shown in my map. The contact of these two groups is in rather flat terrain and mostly covered by debris. In the Hnappá section the contact is mO'St probably the Fljótsdalsheidi peneplain. NG, together with the lower groups, falls gently towards W, and it is quite clearly a part of the dipping plateau basalts, which means that it is older than the Fljótsdalsheidi peneplanation. It is worth stressing that NG is in no way peculiar among polarity groups, and it shows its individuality and time span by intercalated sediments. The following notes on sediments within NG I find in my record of the four sections, from base to top. Hnappá: a) Light-grey coarse conglomerate. The lower part is fluvioglacial, the upper part is clay and brown sandstone. b) Tliin sand- stone. c) Greyish conglomerate, 10 m thick. At the bottom is a coarse breccia, possibly a lava crumbled by weathering. Tlien fluvioglacial layers and, finally, brown sandstone. Hnjúksá: a) The lowest normal lava rests on a brown conglomerate. b) Sandstone. Kringilsá: a) Same as for Hnjúksá. b) Thin sandstone. c) 2—3 m conglomerate, river gravel. d) 3 m conglomerate, scattered rhyolite pebbles. Búdará: a) The lowest normal lava rests on a sediment. b) 1—2 m river gravel. c) Very coarse secondary (i. e. non-volcanic) breccia, covered by a thick conglomerate. Wensink and his group studied one of these four sections, the Hnjúksá (Wensi.nk, 1964). They crossed NG between about 530 and 620 m, found here two normal lavas ancl a reverse one, with a question mark. They also reached the bottom of the overlying reverse group. However, for a reason which is not made understandable in that paper, these normal lavas are thrown into a special category which Wensink calls lavas “inverted in relation to the series in which they are intercalated”. In short, he simply seems to define that some polarity groups should be accepted as such, while some groups are just called invertecl to the underly- 56 JÖKULL 21. ÁR ing and overlying groups, although they prove their individuality, and sorne non-trivial length of time, by a number of lavas and intercalated sediments. Later, for his paper of 1966, Wensink studi- ed the above mentioned sections and found NG. But his attitude towards it is the same as before: this group falls into the category “inverted” to the polarity below ancl above it. However, here one seems to understand his reason, for he says, p. 368: “The presence of more reversals than has been generally assumed (italics mine), involves that a paleomagnetic stratigraphy must be built up with the utmost care.” His trouble obviously is that he is fac- ing “generally assumed” ideas, and is trving to make observations agree with them. Now, in the early years of paleomagnetic mapping, it was tentatively assumecl that a polarity period would be of a duration around 1 My, ancl that the Pleistocene contained two such periods, the Upper Pleistocene normal one and the Lower Pleistocene reverse one. The “events” had not been introduced. Further- more, the cold climate vestiges in the upper- rnost part of the tilted and peneplained plateau basalts were sometimes mistakenly assumed to correspond to the known scale of major Plei- stocene glaciations in the Alps, ancl generally in Europe and North America. We shall try to clarify this point. First, this uppermost part of the pile of plateau basalts is not generally separated from the basalts below by an unconformity. This is so in the Borgarfjördur region in West Iceland and in the present East Iceland area according to my studies, and verified here by Wensink (1966). It is the aim of may 1962-paper to separate Pleistocene and late Tertiary “Young Rocks” from the main Tertiary plateau basalts, and this lack of an unconformity, or a clear indication of a long time interval between the main plateau basalts and their uppermost part, containing cold climate vestiges, was observed and pointed out. Secondly, there are so many cold climate sediments at short intervals be- tween these upper plateau basalts that a general glaciation in each case of glacial vestiges is out of the question. Small local glaciers, or the sediments of a glacier river coming from a distant source, is the most likely explanation.
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