Gripla - 20.12.2018, Síða 245

Gripla - 20.12.2018, Síða 245
245 “engeños”).44 Such agreements are primarily interesting not because they prove that these three vernacular versions of ferrer’s sermon have any textual relationship to each other, but because they show that preachers in Spain, Denmark, and Iceland were, in some cases at least, making use of a common store of imagery to elaborate on their sources. The exemplum about the hospitality of the merchant in the Icelandic text is noteworthy for several reasons.45 First, as I mentioned above, it is drawn from a Christmas Eve sermon by Vincent ferrer instead of the Christmas sermon on which the Icelandic text is otherwise based.46 Second, it not only augments but replaces a portion of that Christmas sermon, which the Icelandic author removes to make room for it. the rele- vant Latin version of ferrer’s Christmas sermon here criticizes those who, rather than properly preparing to welcome Jesus into the houses of their bodies in the form of the Eucharist through fasting and confession, instead defile themselves with sins and rich foods.47 this rebuke, along with any FRAGMENTS OF AN ICELANDIC CHRISTMAS SERMON 44 Cátedra, Sermón, 508/42. 45 I consider it to be sufficiently proved at this point that the Icelandic author was drawing on the Latin text of Vincent ferrer’s sermons found in the early printed editions. Latin versions of the merchant exemplum also appear in the Perugia and Valencia manuscripts discussed above, but these have little bearing on the Icelandic text. the Perugia manuscript – again preserving only an outline of the relevant sermon – simply has the note “Exemplum hic de mercatore invitante annuatim die crastina aliquem pauperem antiquum, et aliquam juvenculam habentem parvulum” (Œuvres de Saint Vincent Ferrier: Tome Second, ed. Père fages [Paris: Picard, 1909], 193; Sermonario de Perugia, 110). the version in the Valencia manuscript is fuller, but, critically, leaves out the appearance of the Holy family to the merchant before his death: “Et ideo, iusta [= iuxta] hoc do vobis unum consilium quod observabat quidam mercator Valencie, et credo quod sit salvus, nam talia opera faciebat ut tali die sicut cras qui est nativitas Dei Christi, quod invitetis duos pauperes, scilicet quendam hominem et quandam iuvenem que habeat filium parvulum ut etiam portetur in brachiis, et detis eis ad comedendum, nam virgo Maria significabatur per mulierem et Iosep per senem, et Christus per filium parvulum...” (Sermones, 623; for the same passage in another Valencian manuscript, see Œuvres de Saint Vincent Ferrier: Tome Second, 202–3). 46 the Icelandic author was not alone in removing this exemplum from its original context. Around the year 1600, the same exemplum was excerpted from ferrer’s sermon and inserted in a slightly modified form into the Vita della beatissima Vergine madre di Dio by the Italian Jesuit Lorenzo Maselli. It occurs on p. 140 of the 1606 naples printing of the work. 47 Ferrer, Sermones hyemales, 162: “Virgo grauida de filio Dei est hostia consecrata quam ducit sacerdos ut Ioseph. Quis uestrum recepit eam communicando deuote? Credo quod nullus. De bono consilio debebatis sibi preparare domum conscientie per contritionem, confessionem & satisfactionem. Sed multi excusant se ut Iudei dicentes: Ego habeo recipere unum magnum militem scilicet dominum Caponem, dominum Hedum, dominum Porcum.
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