Gripla - 20.12.2018, Page 290
sem lokaerindi erfiljóðs sem varðveitt er í handriti á Landsbókasafni Íslands –
Háskólabókasafni undir safnmarkinu Lbs 2388 4to. Tilgáta er sett fram um að
handritið hafi verið skrifað á Norðurlandi en í handritaskrá er það eignað skrifara
á Suðurlandi. Kvæðið er erfiljóð um Björn Benediktsson, son velunnara Magnúsar,
Benedikts Halldórssonar. af kvæðinu má ráða að kunningsskapur hefur verið á
milli skáldsins og viðtakenda erfiljóðsins. Það er augljóslega ort af lærðum manni
sem jafnframt hefur haft áhuga á fornu íslensku skáldamáli, sem Magnús hafði
óneitanlega eins og önnur erfiljóð eftir hann bera með sér sem og vinna hans við
Snorra-Eddu (Laufás-Eddu) og önnur fræðastörf. Þá kemur fram í kvæðinu áhugi
á talnadulspeki sem sjá má í öðru erfiljóði eftir séra Magnús. Erfiljóðið bætist
hér með við útgefið heildarsafn skáldsins en auk þess er um að ræða eitt af elstu
erfiljóðum sem varðveist hafa á íslensku eftir siðbreytingu.
a stray stanza driven home: about a „lausavísa“ by Magnús Ólafsson of Laufás
Keywords: „lausavísa“, eulogy, authorship, Magnús Ólafsson of Laufás, Lbs 2388
In his edition of Magnúsarkver, containing poems by reverend Magnús Ólafs son of
Laufás (ca 1573−1636), anthony faulkes prints a single stanza (lausavísa) preserved
in the manuscript Holm Papp. 8vo nr 25 in the royal Library in Stockholm. the
editor seems, however, to have certain doubts about the authorship of the stanza.
In this article, it is argued that the stanza is almost certainly composed by Magnús
Ólafsson. although the stanza is unusual and interesting, it has not previously
been examined with regard to its occasion, content or form, for example. the
poet conceals his given name in the stanza by using the names of runic letters.
furthermore, it is obvious from the wording that the stanza must originally
have belonged to a longer poem. and indeed, it can be found as the final stanza
in a lengthy and previously unpublished funeral poem (erfiljóð), preserved in
a manuscript at the national Library of Iceland, call mark Lbs 2388 4to. It is
suggested in this article that the manuscript was transcribed in the north of Iceland
although in the manuscript catalogue it is attributed to a scribe in the southern
part of the country. the poem is a funeral eulogy about Björn Benediktsson,
the son of Magnús’s early mentor Benedikt Halldórsson. from the poem it can
be deduced that the poet and the recipients of the poem knew each other. the
poem was obviously composed by a learned man who had an interest in old
norse poetic language, which Magnús Ólafsson indisputably had, as can be seen
from the funeral poems he is known to have composed as well as his work on the