Vinnuafl - 15.01.1996, Síða 39

Vinnuafl - 15.01.1996, Síða 39
36 Vinnuafl 1963-1990 Tafla 1. Vinnuaflsnotkun eftir atvinnugreinum 1963-1990. Ársverk skv. staðli ISIC 1968 (frh.) Table 1. Employment by industry 1963-1990. ISIC classification 1968 (cont.) ISlC-staðall 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 Fjöldi ársverka Vinnuaflsnotkun alls 98.716 101.717 102.405 105.596 111.103 113.929 114.977 Starfsemi fyrirtækja alls 81.655 84.044 83.985 86.411 88.955 91.423 91.506 1 Landbúnaður og fiskveiðar 14.141 14.110 13.768 13.929 13.790 13.922 13.680 11 Landbúnaður 8.915 8.731 8.530 8.385 8.203 8.177 7.870 13 Fiskveiðar 5.226 5.380 5.238 5.545 5.587 5.745 5.810 3 Iðnaður 23.168 23.638 24.768 25.608 26.391 26.336 26.626 30 Fiskiðnaður 8.396 8.234 8.894 9.562 10.133 9.839 10.235 31 Annar matvælaiðnaður 2.936 3.159 3.380 3.399 3.609 3.698 3.721 32 VeQariðnaður 2.341 2.409 2.468 2.551 2.546 2.444 2.418 33 Trjávöruiðnaður 1.782 1.898 1.853 1.825 1.789 1.685 1.621 34 Pappírsiðnaður 1.634 1.771 1.759 1.761 1.761 1.856 1.920 35 Efnaiðnaður 857 906 992 971 1.013 1.046 1.070 36 Steinefnaiðnaður 782 812 830 799 825 899 907 37 Málmbræðsluiðnaður 685 690 798 860 892 897 840 38 Jámvöruiðnaður 3.459 3.475 3.437 3.547 3.485 3.570 3.452 39 Ýmis iðnaður 297 283 356 334 338 403 442 4 Raf-, hita- og vatnsveitur 792 904 868 944 1.001 1.007 1.047 41 Rekstur rafmagns- og hitaveitna 761 881 846 927 985 993 1.029 42 Rekstur vatnsveitna 31 23 22 16 15 14 18 5 Byggingarstarfsemi 10.819 11.059 10.343 10.721 10.825 11.720 11.729 6 Verslun, veitinga- og hótelrekstur 13.050 13.613 13.811 14.179 14.564 15.522 15.974 61 Heildverslun 4.711 4.845 5.100 5.132 5.320 5.623 5.751 62 Smásöluverslun 6.535 6.857 6.831 7.053 7.183 7.551 7.818 63 Veitinga- og hótelrekstur 1.805 1.912 1.880 1.995 2.061 2.348 2.405 7 Samgöngur og fjarskipti 7.879 8.047 7.549 7.692 7.843 7.985 8.022 71 Samgöngur 6.359 6.495 6.004 6.091 6.269 6.402 6.415 72 Rekstur pósts og síma 1.520 1.551 1.545 1.601 1.574 1.584 1.607 8 Peningastofnanir, tryggingar o.fl. 4.851 5.266 5.281 5.748 6.647 6.412 6.769 81 Peningastofnanir 2.320 2.447 2.538 2.787 3.485 2.921 3.040 82 Tryggingar 649 668 717 703 732 740 725 83 Þjónusta við atvinnurekstur 1.883 2.150 2.026 2.258 2.430 2.752 3.003 9 Ýmis þjónustustarfsemi einkaaðila 6.955 7.407 7.599 7.590 7.895 8.520 7.659 93 Heilbrigðisþjónusta á vegum einkaaðila 588 683 744 717 791 856 907 94 Menningarmál 1.342 1.368 1.381 1.448 1.618 1.726 1.871 95 Persónuleg þjónusta 3.984 4.308 4.406 4.386 4.478 4.926 3.819 96 Vamarliðið og ísl. starfslið erl. 1.042 1.049 1.068 1.039 1.008 1.013 1.061 Starfsemi hins opinbera 14.909 15.330 15.913 16.605 19.003 18.979 19.517 Önnur starfsemi 2.152 2.342 2.506 2.580 3.145 3.526 3.955 Vinnuafl 1963-1990 37 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 ISIC classification Man-years 116.566 120.807 124.605 131.836 127.945 126.090 124.763 Employment, total 93.558 96.398 98.728 104.345 100.060 98.057 95.873 Enterprises, total 13.166 13.504 13.628 13.997 13.086 13.178 13.253 Agriculture and fishing 7.590 7.419 7.372 7.159 6.473 6.402 6.166 Agriculture 5.576 6.085 6.257 6.838 6.613 6.777 7.087 Fishing 27.184 27.264 27.556 28.392 25.589 24.312 23.236 Manufacturing 10.227 9.644 9.809 9.949 8.532 8.117 7.659 Fish processing 3.928 4.117 4.309 4.679 4.340 4.321 4.050 Manufact. of other food; manuf. of beverages and tobacco 2.632 2.708 2.633 2.570 2.048 1.711 1.602 Manufacture of textiles 1.586 1.527 1.443 1.503 1.277 1.102 1.104 Manufact. ofwood and wood products, including fumiture 2.014 2.225 2.343 2.426 2.420 2.312 2.376 Manufacture of paper products; printing and publishing 1.061 1.168 1.218 1.281 1.198 1.146 1.102 Manufacture of chemicals and plastic products 999 981 953 983 973 928 923 Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products 854 925 841 815 852 871 862 Metal mining and basic metal industries 3.440 3.467 3.570 3.709 3.456 3.268 3.010 Manufact. offabricated metal prod., mach. and equipment 443 504 436 477 493 535 551 Other manufacturing industries 1.105 1.088 1.077 1.147 1.198 1.109 1.110 Electricity and water supply 1.084 1.064 1.054 1.111 1.127 1.079 1.078 Electricity and hot water supply 21 25 23 35 72 30 32 Water supply 11.613 11.520 11.325 12.341 11.841 12.357 12.382 Construction 16.867 18.140 19.078 20.757 20.415 18.723 18.109 Trade, restaurants and hotels 6.152 6.605 6.866 7.755 7.536 7.054 6.945 Wholesale trade 8.153 8.501 9.059 9.426 9.163 8.432 8.028 Retail trade 2.562 3.034 3.154 3.576 3.717 3.238 3.137 Restaurants and hotels 7.869 8.219 8.214 8.595 8.419 8.615 8.415 Transport, storage and communications 6.329 6.597 6.582 6.968 6.725 6.820 6.524 Transport and storage 1.540 1.622 1.632 1.626 1.694 1.795 1.891 Postal and telecommunication services 7.649 8.275 8.945 9.763 10.054 10.377 10.136 Finance, insurance, real estate etc. 3.317 3.668 4.004 4.192 4.552 4.470 4.297 Institutions 764 797 817 881 865 860 887 Insurance 3.569 3.809 4.125 4.690 4.637 5.046 4.951 Real estate and business services 8.103 8.388 8.904 9.355 9.458 9.387 9.233 Community, social and personal services 959 1.028 1.133 1.218 1.288 1.299 1.331 Private health services 2.016 2.060 2.214 2.366 2.472 2.542 2.483 Cultural services and recreation 4.028 4.185 4.462 4.651 4.594 4.426 4.322 Personal and household services 1.100 1.115 1.095 1.119 1.103 1.119 1.096 NATO base activities; foreign embassies in Iceland 19.081 19.911 20.918 22.236 22.229 22.221 22.751 Government services 3.928 4.498 4.959 5.256 5.657 5.811 6.140 Private non-profit services
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