Vinnuafl - 15.01.1996, Page 47

Vinnuafl - 15.01.1996, Page 47
44 Vinnuafl 1963-1990 Tafla 2. Vinnuaflsnotkun eftir einstökum atvinnugreinum 1963-1990. Ársverk Table 2. Employment by kind of activity 1963-1990. Man-years ISIC-staðall” 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 Vinnuaflsnotkun alls 67.315 72.370 75.690 77.620 77.668 78.002 78.660 11 Landbúnaður 9.054 9.129 9.567 10.143 10.214 10.476 10.420 011 Almennur búrekstur 8.766 8.764 9.222 9.709 9.778 10.041 9.971 012 Alifuglabú o.fl. 26 57 68 102 105 112 126 013 Svínabú 5 16 11 12 16 17 20 015 Loðdýrabú 1 016 Garðyrkjubú og gróðurhúsabú 215 231 224 263 269 256 250 017 Fóðurframleiðslubú 5 019 Komræktarbú 8 2 2 18 2 2 3 020 Þjónusta við búrekstur 12 35 16 15 16 16 18 030 Dýraveiðar 23 24 24 24 29 31 28 13 Fiskveiðar 4.463 4.822 4.604 4.520 4.612 4.486 4.711 120 Hvalveiðar 22 22 24 26 23 23 27 130 Selveiðar 1 1 3 4 2 2 3 140 Togaraútgerð 850 901 777 602 617 624 681 150 Bátaútgerð 3.571 3.861 3.785 3.876 3.959 3.826 3.988 160 Vatnaveiði og fiskirækt 20 38 16 13 11 11 12 30 Fiskiðnaður 6.542 6.959 6.987 6.257 5.433 5.342 6.155 203 Frysting, söltun og hersla 4.800 5.232 5.045 4.322 3.991 4.455 5.558 204 Síldarsöltun 805 745 761 700 559 355 121 312 Hvalvinnsla 67 67 75 85 63 46 68 313 Lifrarbræðsla og lýsishersla 76 77 79 66 64 56 51 314 Síldar- og fískmjölsvinnsla 794 838 1.028 1.085 756 430 357 31 Annar matvælaiðnaður 2.233 2.413 2.449 2.630 2.536 2.535 2.488 201 Slátmn og kjötiðnaður 668 776 730 834 773 778 744 202 Mjólkuriðnaður 361 384 399 400 386 370 349 205 Niðursuðuiðnaður 137 127 188 230 203 218 240 206 Brauð- og kökugerð 381 382 400 442 432 440 429 207 Kexgerð 125 120 88 76 66 68 71 208 Sælgætisgerð 243 261 259 265 277 267 253 209 Annar matvælaiðnaður 128 149 143 163 144 161 183 211 Áfengisiðnaður 19 33 37 3 3 3 4 213 Öl- og gosdrykkjagerð 167 172 202 213 240 219 210 220 Tóbaksiðnaður 5 10 4 6 12 11 6 32 Vefjariðnaður 2.101 2.274 2.092 1.962 1.777 1.617 1.789 231 Ullarþvottur, spuni og vefnaður 387 420 382 393 373 397 447 232 Pijónavöruframleiðsla 220 254 199 189 213 177 191 233 Veiðarfæraiðnaður 319 356 383 349 291 229 248 239 Spunavöruiðnaður ót.a. 3 4 4 5 241 Skógerð 164 115 93 70 56 61 45 243 Fatagerð 913 1.012 890 817 719 636 736 244 Framleiðsla á öðmm vefnaðarvörum 25 32 29 27 37 37 30 291 Sútun 38 43 70 63 49 46 59 293 Leðurvömgerð 32 39 43 49 40 35 33 33 Trjávöruiðnaður 1.177 1.326 1.347 1.453 1.440 1.371 1.334 252 Trétunnu-, trékassa og körfugerð 58 44 37 42 32 36 30 259 Annar trjávömiðnaður 44 77 25 64 66 65 22 261 Húsgagnagerð og innréttingasmíði 1.075 1.205 1.285 1.348 1.343 1.270 1.283 34 Pappírsiðnaður 1.181 1.377 1.293 1.305 1.318 1.381 1.377 272 Pappa- og pappírsvömgerð 159 159 142 137 131 145 166 281 Prentun 587 701 649 660 659 684 642 282 Prentmyndagerð 43 41 32 32 32 40 32 283 Bókband 97 97 113 116 144 150 173 284 Bóka- og blaðaútgáfa 295 381 357 359 353 362 363 35 Efnaiðnaður 531 521 538 555 595 630 660 311 Kemískur undirstöðuiðnaður 167 159 171 174 169 227 243 315 Málningar-, lakk- og límgerð 98 96 101 108 110 98 99 319 Sápu- og þvottaefnagerð 138 134 119 119 127 117 119 329 Asfalt- og tjömpappagerð 3 5 6 4 3 4 5 398 Plastvömiðnaður ót.a. 125 127 140 151 186 185 193 36 Steinefnaiðnaður 553 473 553 638 580 524 618 332 Gleriðnaður, þ.m.t. speglagerð 59 67 75 103 94 96 91 333 Leir- og postulínsiðnaður 14 12 10 10 11 15 21 334 Sementsgerð 115 117 118 140 160 154 160 335 Gijót-, malar- og sandnám 95 52 64 57 68 71 86 Vinnuafl 1963-1990 45 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 ÍSIC classification11 81.458 85.549 88.028 90.430 93.457 95.194 98.362 Employment, total 10.137 9.799 9.605 9.620 9.822 9.326 9.326 Agriculture 9.667 9.300 9.093 9.136 9.308 8.749 8.727 Raising of cattle, sheep, horses 99 106 90 75 104 102 102 Raising of poultry, etc 12 14 17 11 10 16 17 Raising of swine 12 29 22 26 19 31 28 Raising offur animals 298 298 320 304 315 357 350 Market gardening and hothouse crop growing 9 10 16 15 14 16 52 Hay production 0 0 0 0 0 Grain growing, etc. 13 18 20 23 22 23 22 Agricultural servises 26 25 27 29 29 32 28 Hunting, trapping and game propagation 5.199 5.187 5.012 4.908 5.191 5.145 5.238 Fishing 34 34 31 29 29 32 30 Whaling 3 4 3 4 4 3 4 Seal hunting 744 612 583 500 704 997 1.108 Trawling 4.405 4.520 4.372 4.350 4.427 4.081 4.059 Other ocean and coastal water fishing 12 17 23 25 26 32 37 Inland water fishing, etc. 6.351 6.604 6.544 6.438 6.745 7.548 7.898 Fish processing 5.816 6.042 5.983 5.847 6.161 6.887 7.269 Freezing, salting and drying offish 57 30 11 4 6 33 47 Salting of herring 86 96 90 54 72 63 67 Whale processing 57 67 66 49 9 48 51 Liver reduction and liver oil manufacturing 336 369 394 484 496 517 464 Herring and fish meal manufacturing 2.579 2.586 2.661 2.790 2.856 2.806 2.885 Manufacture ofotherfood; manuf ofbeverages and tobacco 752 736 782 884 947 1.003 1.039 Slaughtering, preparing and preserving of meat 343 345 347 370 380 370 376 Manufacture of dairy products 242 302 238 261 224 178 182 Canning and smoking og fish and other sea foods 457 430 440 409 445 435 470 Manufacture of bakery products 79 81 74 72 83 64 43 Manufacture of biscuits 272 283 284 310 285 270 272 Manufacture of chocolate and sugar confectionery 210 176 233 207 210 216 226 Other manufacture of food 4 4 4 4 4 5 6 Spirit manufacturing 216 223 254 266 272 261 268 Breweries, manuf. of soft drinks and carbonated water 6 7 5 7 7 5 5 Tobacco manufacturing 2.134 2.311 2.335 2.541 2.331 2.122 2.125 Manufacture of textiles 490 435 429 520 418 331 323 Wool scouring, spinning, weaving and fmishing of textiles 239 290 313 323 294 214 254 Manufacture of knitwear 293 327 339 342 359 353 344 Manufacture of cordage, rope, twine, fishing nets 0 0 0 0 0 Manufacture of textiles n.e.c. 85 84 69 73 70 46 45 Manufacture of footwear 858 946 957 1.014 925 948 926 Manufacture of wearing apparel 24 27 31 33 37 30 33 Manuf. of made-up textiles goods, except wearing apparel 116 176 171 211 202 173 175 Tanneries 30 26 26 25 26 29 26 Manufacture of leather products 1.499 1.572 1.627 1.669 1.674 1.791 1.776 Manufacture of wood and wood products, incl. furniture 35 22 15 4 8 7 7 Manuf. ofwooden and cane containers and cane smallware 18 25 22 33 33 41 51 Manufacture of wood and cork not elsewhere classified 1.446 1.525 1.589 1.633 1.632 1.743 1.718 Manufacture of fumiture and fixtures 1.405 1.418 1.608 1.611 1.507 1.555 1.527 Manufofpaperandpaperproducts;printingandpublishing 191 189 197 183 173 165 159 Manufacture of paper and paperboard articles 642 620 796 812 742 788 741 Printing 33 42 39 42 42 45 38 Photo-engraving 193 173 189 153 132 151 132 Bookbinding 347 394 388 421 418 407 458 Publishing of books and newspapers, etc. 680 789 771 766 738 782 846 Manufacture of chemicals and plastic products 231 258 248 274 272 266 283 Manufacture of basic industrial chemicals 126 163 131 140 135 130 139 Manufacture of paints, vamishes and lacquers 127 133 124 134 134 130 141 Manufacture of soaps and detergents 5 6 27 7 5 3 4 Manufacture of asphalt and tar paper 192 230 241 212 192 253 280 Manufacture of plastic products n.e.c. 636 676 772 706 773 757 752 Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products 97 92 114 124 120 117 103 Manufacture of glass and glass products 29 53 79 67 101 64 62 Manufacture of pottery, china and earthenware 143 145 147 126 135 147 192 Manufacture of cement 66 65 72 70 55 60 68 Stone quarrying, gravel and sand pits, pumice pints
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