Vinnuafl - 15.01.1996, Page 52
Vinnuafl 1963-1990
Tafla 2. Vinnuaflsnotkun eftir einstökum atvinnugreinum 1963-1990. Ársverk (frh.)
Table 2. Employment by kind ofactivity 1963-1990. Man-years (cont.)
ISIC-staðall1’ 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969
812 Utanríkisþjónusta
813 Stjómsýsla ríkisins, ót.a.
819 Stjómsýsla sveitarfélaga
821 Háskóli íslands
822 Menntaskólar
823 Gmnnskólar
824 Sérskólar og kennsla ót.a.
825 Sjúkrahús, aðrar heilbrigðisst.
831 Rannsóknarstofnanir
832 Trúmálastarfsemi, þjóðkirkja
836 Bókasöfn og önnur söfn
Önnur starfsemi
833 Elliheimili
834 Velferðarstofnanir, ót.a.
835 Hagsmunasamtök, starfsgreinasamtök
839 Ýmis þjónusta ót.a.
30 32
1.315 1.525 1.526
841 806 927
68 100 107
84 93 92
1.562 1.546 1.594
305 455 420
1.313 1.407 1.592
243 252 244
146 157 163
76 97 101
659 718 752
238 252 262
294 319 324
91 107 133
36 40 32
31 28 34 32
1.542 1.639 1.638 1.860
850 987 1.051 1.078
119 106 107 73
110 105 126 179
1.840 2.016 2.136 2.123
438 402 463 531
1.742 1.971 2.216 2.332
251 313 325 357
145 139 146 163
99 109 112 127
800 938 1.066 1.061
275 314 356 300
359 417 465 511
125 166 176 204
40 • 40 70 47
>» Lengst til vinstri er tveggja stafa númer aðalgreinar, síðan þriggja stafa númer undirgreinar samkvæmt atvinnugreinaflokkun Hagstofunnar. Two digit numbers refer to major groups,
three digit numbers refer to the domestic classification of Statistics Iceland.
Vinnuafl 1963-1990
0 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 ISIC classificationX)
35 37 41 40 42 42 42 Foreign service
1.807 1.810 1.889 2.275 2.282 2.377 2.410 Central government administration n.e.c., incl. justice
1.060 1.073 1.130 934 984 1.009 1.078 Local government administration
132 158 206 205 229 260 283 Education at university level
182 186 235 230 231 229 383 Education at secondary level
2.288 2.374 2.382 2.535 2.648 2.857 3.015 Compulsory education
537 575 607 654 677 733 881 Vocational schools and education n.e.c.
2.743 3.040 3.381 3.493 3.884 4.296 4.491 Hospitals and other health institutions
358 393 372 404 409 464 566 Research and scientific institutes
167 161 163 174 179 178 176 Religious organizations
147 163 174 186 202 200 207 Libraries, museums and related institutions
1.149 1.231 1.378 1.548 1.748 1.946 2.034 Private non-profit services
315 346 385 398 417 455 481 Homes for the elderly
564 609 693 778 926 1.064 1.110 Welfare institutions n.e.c.
218 223 244 298 330 332 358 Labour market organizations, professional associations
51 54 56 74 76 96 85 Community services n.e.c.