Vinnuafl - 15.01.1996, Page 56
Vinnuafl 1963-1990
Tafla 2. Vinnuaflsnotkun eftir einstökum atvinnugreinum 1963-1990. Ársverk (frh.)
Table 2. Employment by kind ofactivity 1963-1990. Man-years (cont.)
ISIC-staðall0 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983
336 Saltvinnsla, sjóefnavinnsla 0
339 Steinsteipugerð, annar steinefnaiðnaður 386
37 Málmbræðsluiðnaður 685
341 Kísiljámframleiðsla
342 Álframleiðsla 685
38 Járnvöruiðnaður 3.459
350 Málmsmíði, vélaviðgerðir 2.495
381 Skipasmíði, skipaviðgerðir 964
39 Ýmis iðnaður 297
386 Flugvélaviðgerðir 92
389 Önnur flutningstækjagerð og viðgerðir 0
391 Smíði og viðgeðrir málitækja 52
394 Skartvörugerð og góðmálmasmíði 67
395 Smíði og viðgerðir hljóðfæra 5
397 Burstagerð, o.fl. 28
399 Iðnaður ót.a. 53
41 Rekstur rafmagns-og hitaveitna 761
511 Rekstur rafstöðva og rafveitna 662
513 Rekstur hitaveitna 98
42 Rekstur vatnsveitna 31
521 Rekstur vatnsveitna 31
50 Byggingarstarfsemi 10.819
410 Bygging og viðgerð mannvirkja 3.903
420 Byggingar- og viðgerðastarfssemi 611
431 Vega- og brúargerð 921
432 Hafna- og vitaframkvæmdir 62
433 Raforkuvera- og raforkuframkvæmdir 476
434 Símaframkvæmdir 424
439 Önnur byggingar og viðgerðarstarfsemi 904
450 Unglingavinna sveitarfélaga 155
490 Starfsemi ræktunarsambanda o.fl. 83
491 Húsasmíði 1.112
492 Húsamálun 407
493 Múrun 512
494 Pípulagning 433
495 Rafvirkjun 737
496 Veggfóðrun, gólfdúkalagning 68
497 Teppalögn o.fl. 12
61 Heildverslun 4.711
611 Útflutningsverslun 232
612 Heildsöludreifing áfengis og tóbaks 116
613 Heildsölur- og smásöludreifing bensíns 809
614 Byggingarvöruverslun 485
615 Sala á bílum og bílavörum 523
616 Heildverslun ót.a. 2.547
62 Smásöluverslun 6.535
617 Fiskverslun í smásölu 65
618 Kjöt- og nýlenduvöruverslun 1.243
619 Smásala tóbaks og sælgætis 637
620 Blímaverslun í smásölu 88
621 Smásala vefnaðar- og fatnaðarvöru 721
622 Smásala skófatnaðar 96
623 Smásala bóka og ritfanga 241
624 Smásala lyQa og hjúkrunarvöru 297
625 Smásala búsáhalda, húsgagna o.fl. 372
626 Smásala úra, Ijósm.vara, sjóntækja o.fl. 164
627 Smásala snyrti- og hreinlætisvöru 38
628 Sérverslun ót.a. 196
629 Blönduð verslun 2.379
63 Veitinga- og hótelrekstur 1.805
862 Veitingastaðir 1.001
863 Gististaðir 804
3 6 8 0 6 14
426 430 400 447 472 459
690 798 860 892 897 840
99 131 163 162 174
690 699 730 730 735 666
3.475 3.437 3.547 3.485 3.570 3.452
2.479 2.489 2.563 2.493 2.528 2.448
996 949 984 992 1.043 1.005
283 356 334 338 403 442
77 137 135 135 179 176
0 0 0 3 3 3
41 60 62 62 69 66
78 68 49 50 54 49
7 7 7 9 6 6
23 28 27 25 27 26
57 57 55 54 64 117
881 846 927 985 993 1.029
776 731 793 873 888 915
105 115 134 112 . 104 114
23 22 16 15 14 18
23 22 16 15 14 18
11.060 10.342 10.721 10.825 11.720 11.729
4.054 3.976 4.380 4.421 4.766 4.852
602 493 451 418 424 324
1.028 1.058 961 873 856 833
68 39 32 35 39 31
430 404 440 407 382 372
479 398 366 365 365 366
865 737 771 855 1.034 1.032
194 229 225 232 255 266
79 61 81 68 69 67
1.010 905 979 1.063 1.229 1.342
434 368 381 403 461 475
491 493 423 433 500 461
461 428 421 419 467 467
792 698 745 769 801 772
66 46 55 49 61 58
7 9 9 14 11 12
4.845 5.100 5.132 5.320 5.623 5.751
255 266 260 240 311 342
121 114 107 119 119 125
785 814 822 865 836 868
447 519 547 556 587 593
550 567 587 562 627 678
2.687 2.819 2.810 2.979 3.143 3.144
6.857 6.831 7.053 7.183 7.551 7.818
67 75 80 76 72 69
1.288 1.315 1.364 1.376 1.280 1.252
630 692 736 780 794 879
95 103 115 122 137 143
792 750 816 846 672 650
88 94 90 95 92 90
256 253 277 284 293 343
303 339 374 335 345 378
493 518 508 572 609 581
170 223 245 225 235 202
54 47 44 61 53 58
210 233 238 251 247 252
2.411 2.190 2.168 2.161 2.721 2.921
1.912 1.880 1.995 2.061 2.348 2.405
1.032 1.303 1.145 1.333 1.540 1.606
880 577 849 728 807 798
Vinnuafl 1963-1990
1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 ISIC classificationX)
15 16 22 19 13 11 13 Non-metallic mining and quarrying n.e.c.
534 513 492 506 529 505 519 Manufacture of concrete non-metallic mineral prod. n.e.c.
854 925 841 815 852 871 862 Metal mining and basic metal industries
193 206 207 188 203 207 210 Manufacture of ferro-silicone
661 719 634 627 649 664 652 Manufacture of aluminium
3.440 3.467 3.570 3.709 3.456 3.268 3.010 Manufactureoffabricatedmetalproducts, mach. andequipment
2.537 2.540 2.619 2.698 2.574 2.540 2.349 Manufacture of metal products; machine repairs
903 927 951 1.012 882 728 660 Ship building and repairing
443 504 436 477 493 535 551 Other manufacturing industries
141 166 162 178 199 186 194 Repair of aircraft
4 5 8 7 5 6 5 Manufacture and repair of transport equipment n.e.c.
71 73 72 84 94 133 126 Manuf.e and repair ofscientific and measuring instruments
45 48 49 55 53 58 63 Manufacture of jewellery and related articles
5 5 6 7 7 8 11 Manufacture and repair of musical instruments
29 31 29 36 37 42 42 Manufacture of brooms and brushes
148 177 110 110 99 103 110 Manufacturing industries n.e.c.
1.084 1.064 1.054 1.111 1.127 1.079 1.078 Electricity and hot water supply
935 907 834 887 808 835 833 Electricity supply
149 156 220 224 319 243 245 Hot water supply
21 25 23 35 72 30 32 Water supply
21 25 23 35 72 30 32 Water supply
11.614 11.520 11.325 12.341 11.841 12.357 12.382 Construction
4.888 4.665 4.676 5.223 4.657 4.882 5.117 Construction and repair work by contractors, excl.491-497
291 233 228 207 101 97 82 Construction and repair by private parties for their own use
826 745 627 609 771 748 801 Public construction of roads and bridges
19 19 11 12 5 10 9 Public construction and repair ofharbours and lighthouses
307 230 231 217 228 225 234 Publicconstruct. andrepairofpowerplantsandtransmission lines
353 364 358 357 288 285 216 Public construct. and repairoftelephone and telegraph systems
827 805 733 620 506 750 786 Other construction and repair by public authorities
237 356 401 373 539 538 603 Youth summer schools
61 67 80 73 72 64 56 Land draining, etc.
1.495 1.578 1.577 1.888 2.024 2.094 1.848 Carpentry
515 553 579 586 579 563 584 House painting
516 558 499 580 541 556 523 Masonry
467 482 467 497 519 542 507 Plumbing
735 787 776 1.002 919 900 918 Electrical installation work
65 64 66 75 75 83 79 Floor and wall covering
12 16 18 25 18 19 21 Carpeting, etc.
6.152 6.605 6.866 7.755 7.536 7.054 6.945 Wholesale trade
334 376 395 406 460 458 466 Export trade
120 138 145 156 155 170 17 3 Wholesale distrib. ofalcohol and tobacco, retailing ofalcohol
887 932 934 966 993 985 959 Wholesale and retail distrib. ofpetrol and petroleum prod.
690 707 685 734 805 797 787 Wholesale and retail distribution of building materials
660 706 785 899 798 700 684 Distribution of motor vehicles, components and accessories
3.461 3.746 3.922 4.594 4.326 3.944 3.876 Wholesale trade n.e.c.
8.153 8.501 9.059 9.426 9.163 8.432 8.028 Retail trade
69 72 69 71 61 62 48 Retailing of fish
1.323 1.359 1.504 1.630 1.314 1.219 1.112 Retailing of meat and grocery goods, milk and bread
876 1.002 1.043 1.175 1.127 1.100 1.066 Retailing of tobacco, confectionery, soft drinks, etc.
170 184 219 261 218 214 216 Retailing of flowers and plants
661 729 766 794 786 750 718 Retailing of wearing apparel and textile goods
103 104 106 127 98 102 89 Retailing of footwear
343 344 363 374 409 347 347 Retailing of books and stationery
399 397 401 394 409 400 398 Retailing of drugs and pharmaceuticals
Retailing of household equipment, e.g. kitchen utensils,
634 647 724 820 854 747 665 electrical appliances, furniture
207 232 230 263 284 270 251 Retailing ofwatches andjewellery, photographic and optical goods
59 78 76 91 85 79 68 Retailing of cosmetics and toilet articles
258 280 295 334 333 330 316 Retailing of specialized commodities n.e.c.
3.052 3.074 3.264 3.093 3.185 2.814 2.735 Retailing of miscellaneous commodities
2.562 3.034 3.154 3.576 3.717 3.238 3.137 Restaurants and hotels
1.673 2.050 2.225 2.457 2.733 2.368 2.108 Restaurants, etc.
889 984 928 1.119 984 870 1.029 Hotels, etc.