Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1981, Blaðsíða 84
Organochlorine comþounds (alþha-, beta and
gamma-HCH, DDT, DDD, DDE, HCB and
PCBs) in Icelandic butter fat 1968—1982.
Torkell Jóhannesson
dr. med.
Department of Pharmacology,
University of Iceland
cand. pharm.
Department of Pharmacology,
University of Iceland
Altogether 88 samples were analysed,
obtained mainly from six big dairies in
Iceland. Samples were analysed in four
periods. Period 1, 35 samples, 1968-1970;
period 2, 32 samples, 1974—1978 (first
half); period 3, 12 samples, 1978 (second
half) — 1980 and period 4, 9 samples,
1981-1982 (first half). Alpha-HCH was
found in every sample analysed but in
steadily decreasing amounts. Gamma-
HCH was not found after 1978. The rel-
atively persistent beta-isomer of HCH,
Interdepartmental Task Force of PCBs: Polychlorinated
biphenyls and the environment. National Tec-
hnical Information Service. U.S. Department of
Commerce, Springfield, Virginia, 1972.
Niimi, T.5.: Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) levels in
Lake Ontario salmonids. Bull. Environ. Contam. &
Toxicol. 1979, 23, 20-24.
Skaftason, ].: Aðferð til ákvörðunar á nokkrum
klórsamböndum (skordýraeitri) í fitu. Tímarit um
lyfjafrtebi 1978, 13, 13-20.
Skaftason, J. & T. Jóhannesson 1979a: Tilraun með
notkun lindans (hexicíðs) við gulrófnarækt. Garð-
yrkjufréttir 1979, nr. 55 (Almennt efni nr. 26).
not determined in samples from the first
period, was found in samples from the 2nd
and 3rd periods but not in samples from
the last period. DDT and its metabolites
(DDD, DDE) were found in many samp-
les from the lst period. After that these
substances have not been present in am-
ounts high enough to be accurately qu-
antitated (approx. 5 ng/g). HCB was fo-
und in variable amounts (5—50 ng/g) in
samples from the 3rd period (not analys-
ed before). It was present in samples from
the last period in amounts around the det-
ection limit. PCBs were found around the
detection limit (approx. 100 ng/g) in
samples from the 3rd period (not analys-
ed before) but not with certainty in samp-
les from the last period. Thus Icelandic
butter has gradually become almost de-
void of the organochlorine compounds in
question. It is moreover likely that the
presence of alpha-HCH in Icelandic butt-
er fat cannot be adequately explained wit-
hout taking into account global, airborne
pollution with this substance. The same is
apparently true for HCB and PCBs as
SkaftasonJ. & T.Jóhannesson 1979b: Organochlorine
compounds (DDT, hexachlorocyclohexane, hex-
achlorobenzene) in Icelandic animal fat and
butter fat: Local and global sources of contamin-
ation. Actapharmacol. et toxicol. 1979,44, 156—157.
SkaftasonJ. & T.Jóhannesson: Klórkolefnissambönd
í íslenskum vatnasilungi. Náttúrufr teðingurinn
1981, 51. 97-104.
Skaftason, J. & T. Jóhannesson: Organochlorine
compounds in Icelandic lake trout and salmon
fry. Local and global sources of contamination.
Acta pharmacol. et toxicol. 1982 (in press).