Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1943, Síða 9

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1943, Síða 9
INTRODUCTION I THE PREHISTORY OF THE TREATISES The two treatises here edited for the first time were written in the summer of 1647 by borlåkur Skulason of Holar (1597-1656) and Brynjålfur Sveinsson of Skålholt (1605-75), then Icelandic bishops. The reason for the appearance of the treatises, according to the title of the first of them, was that Otte Krag, Secretary to the Danish Chancellery, had sent the bishops some extracts, “collectanea”, from the writings of foreign authors on Iceland. Krag must have requested the bishops to give their opinion on the correctness of these “col- lectanea”, which they accordingly did, in the two replies retumed simultaneously. The contents and whole arrangement of the two treatises plainly show that the “collectanea” sent to the bishops must have been identical; that the replies differ somewhat is of course due to the different character and Outlook of the two men. Taken together they furnish a good deal of information about contemporary Iceland, and no less about the attitude of educated Icelanders to the various views of the outside world on their native land. To obtain some knowledge of the nature of the above-mentioned “collectanea” and to determine their source it will be necessary in the first place to go back to the evolution of foreign descriptions of Iceland in the century preceding the composition of our two treatises. The growing interest in geographical descriptions of foreign coun- tries which appears in the period after the great voyages of explora- tion at the close of the i5th century, also manifests itself in a considerable number of accounts and maps of Iceland from the 16th century. The number of the descriptions, however, is in inverse ratio to their importance as sources, for most of them mainly consist of repetitions of the statements of earlier authors. The oldest accounts
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Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana

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