Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1943, Síða 29

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1943, Síða 29
XXVII 35"54 (DG: 16), The treatise must have been written by a skilied copyist but has throughout been corrected by another hånd, which has also written notes of contents and chapter divisions in the margin. There is no doubt that these corrections and additions have been made by Stephanius for whom HR was copied, and who himself wrote most of the remaining contents in DG: 12-16. In the variants of the edition the scribe’s hånd has been called 161, that of Ste- phanius 162. We know that Stephanius borrowed a copy of HR from Ole Worm and had it copied. Stephanius writes about this to Worm on Jan. 31, 1649: “Per amicitiam te nostram oro atqve obsecro, ut facilis mihi ignoscas, qvod Historicam illam M. Brynolphi de Islandia Relationem, qvam non ita pridem mecum communicasti, tam diu penes me detinuerim. Per varias etenim occupationes, qvæ me indies circumstant, prius describere non licuit.”1 The manuscript which Worm lent Stephanius was probably not the author’s original but a copy which Worm had had made for his own use. This assumption is further strengthened by the circumstance that Stephanius in the above-mentioned letter asks Worm to obtain for him on loan those drawings of Icelandic whales that Bishop Brynjolfur had sent Krag with the HR (see p. 3o20 ff.). As will now be shown in detail below, Stephanius cannot have corrected 16 after the copy he borrowed from Worm. Further we know that Worm could not at once procure for Stephanius the drawings he wanted as Krag had left Copenhagen2. It therefore seems natural to suppose that Stephanius returned to the question at a later date and on the same occasion received the original manuscript itself on loan, after which he then corrected his copy. We shall see below that this assumption is supported by a comparison of the variants of the three manuscripts. This gives 16 an advantage over the other manuscripts which justifies the use of its text as a basis for the edition. The marginal notes of Stephanius in 16 are omitted in our text since they are no doubt his own and besides are of no interest for the text, being only indications of the contents of the various sections and the like. 1 Wormii Epp. I 286. 2 Wormii Epp. I 287 (3/3 1649).
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Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana

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