Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1943, Síða 30

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1943, Síða 30
XXVIII gig — AM gig, 4to is a parcel containing various miscellanies1. HR is found here as a gathering separately stitched together (20 X 16 cm.). The gathering has contained 16 leaves, of which the last leaf has been lost. No doubt, howéver, it was blank, since the treatise which begins on leaf ir ends on leaf i4r and the next pages are blank. The writing is the skilied and regular hånd of a scribe from the latter part of the 17th century. The text agrees very closely with 16, before that manuscript was corrected by Stephanius, so that there can be no doubt that 16 and 913 are copies of the same original, that is to say, the manuscript which Stephanius borrowed from Worm. That 913 cannot be this manuscript itself will be demons- trated below. 18go = Ry kgl. saml. 18go, 4to in the Royal Library of Copen- hagen, is a manuscript (19.6 X 15-1 cm) from the first half of the i8th century2. HR is found here as the fourth and last section, leaves 50-60, written by the same hånd as the preceding sections. The text is rather corrupt; there are many mistakes, a good many omissions, and parts missed out. There are some readings, however, which show that 1850 can neither be copied from 16 or 913, just as 1850 some- times leaves a space open for a word left out which would seem to indicate that the scribe was unable to read his original (pp. 2g2, 3012, 319, 3424). This shows quite conclusively that 1850 cannot have been copied from one of the extant manuscripts, since these are easily readable in all these passages3 * * *. The Relation between the Manuscripts. The following readings show a close relation between 161 and 913 on the one hånd, and 162 (Stephanius’ corrections) and 1850 on the other hånd: 1 Specified in Kr. Kålund, Katalog over den Arnamagnæanske håndskrift- samling II, 259-60. 2 Of the remaining contents of the manuscript see Kr. Kålund, Katalog over de oldnorsk-islandske håndskrifter i det store kgl. bibliotek etc. p. 246. 3 A copy of HR was among the manuscripts that P. Resen (f 1688) presented to the University Library of Copenhagen (see Kr. Kålund, Arne Magnussons ... håndskriftfortegnelser, 1909, p. 117). Like the rest of Resen’s collection this manuscript was destroyed in the fire 1728.
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Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana

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