Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1943, Qupperneq 80

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1943, Qupperneq 80
46 — 2^2i-3o Bish0p Brynjolfur polemises against Hondius’ state- ment that the Icelanders formerly obeyed their bishops as if they were kings, a remark which can be traced to Adam of Bremen and Giraldus Cambrensis. This gives Brynjolfur an opportunity of airing his dissatisfaction with the small authority of the bishops after the Reformation (cf. Introduction p. XXV). Similar views are known from his later correspondence, see e.g. Safn FræSafélagsins XII 54-57. The reference to sagas about bishops (2~j22'24) is too vague to be more precisely defined; it might refer to GuSmundar saga biskups. § 7. Concerning the names for the districts of the country the two bishops of course agree. Hondius’ remark that the mountains are substitutes for towns is passed over in silence in RH, while it affords an opportunity for RS to praise the excellence of the moun- tains. The stress laid on the possibility of defence against strange robbers afforded by the mountains (pp. io35-!!1) certainly seems somewhat optimistic only 20 years after the Algerian pirates’ well- known expedition to Iceland, where they did not meet with any defence whatever. It should be noted, however, that northem Iceland was not affected at all by their raids. P. s822'2i. This item is probably derived from Crymogæa pp. 60-61. § 8. Hondius gives the account well known from earlier litera- ture of the three kinds of remarkable springs to which Arngrimur had already referred in Brevis comm. pp. 33r-4ir. While Arngrimur did not quite reject the statement of the spring which tumed every- thing put into it into stone, both bishops now reject it and give the right explanation which they have both found by experiment. Bishop borlåkur even sends samples of objects that have lain in the hot springs and have been covered with mud which has dried to a crust. That this matter already earlier interested Worm is evidenced by a letter from him of June 13, 1647 to the clergyman Torfi Jonsson1 in which he thanks him for a similar sample that had been sent to him the year before. Of this, at any rate, Bishop Brynjålfur, with whom Torfi Jonsson was friendly, was hardly ignorant. P. 2910. The Geysir, later so well known, is mentioned probably 1 Wormii Epp. II 1013; cf. also Museum Wormianum, 1655, pp. 51-52.
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Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana

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