Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1943, Síða 89

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1943, Síða 89
INDEX Absalon, archbishop (f 1201) XXI. Adalbertus (Adel-), archbishop of Bremen (f 1072) XIII. Adam of Bremen VIII, 46. Agricola, Georgius (f 1555) XIV, ,4295 3,7.12:17.27, 49. agriculture 6-7, 42-43. Andreas Sunesøn, archbishop (f 1228) XXI. Anglia 413 (cf. Britannia). Apollonius Tyaneus 334. Aristoteles 2515, 3424, 52. Arngrimr, abbot of Kngeyrar (f 1361) XXIII, 39. Arngrimur Jonsson (Arngrimus Ionas) IX-XVIII, XXIII-XXV, 310-23, 43.17.38) 529s 818-29, 918, I419-82, , 5I5.I8, , 622.25, ,y22,26.SS) 2317, 2424.30j 28s, 3 3 25j 3514; 38-39, 4I) 43-46, 50, 53. Arngrimur Jonsson’s Anatome Blef- keniana XVI, 3515, 53. — Brevis commentarius IX-X, XVI, 529, gl9, i 4-19, 1633.25, ,722.26, 35!!, 38-41, 44, 46, 50, 53-54- — Crymogæa XVII, XXIII, 3™, 417.S8, 5S0, 813, 918, 285, 38-46, 53-54- — Epistola pro patria defensoria XVI. — Specimen Islandiæ historicum XVII-XVIII, 285, 39, 43. Årni Magnusson, professor (1663- 1730) 39- AustfirøingafjorSungur (Austlendinga-) XIII, 1 o26, 281«. Bartholin, Thomas, professor„ (1616- 80) 48. bears XIII, 7-8, 26. Beda 411-13, 39. “beer fountains” (mineral waters) XIII, 47. Bessastaøir (Bestede), the governor’s residence in Iceland XIII. betula XIII, 8, 26. Bibliander (= Theodor Buchmann) 517, 40- Bjargtangar (= Låtrabjarg) 41. Bjarni Pålsson, chief physician of Ice- land (1719-79) 51. Bjorn Jonsson of Skarøså (1574-1655) 39- Blefkenius, Dithmarus, XVI, 3515. Britannia 428.35, 32 (cf. Anglia). Brynjolfur Sveinsson, bishop of Skål- holt VII, XI, XVIII, XIX-XXV, XXVII, 3718, 38-39, 41, 43, 46, 47, 49-53- Buchmann, Theodor, see Bibliander. Caesar, G. Julius, 53. cattle XII, 7, 25-26. cetus Britannicus XIV, I332. chirurgi 617, 42. Christian IV, king of Denmark 1, I316, 47- Claussøn, Peder, translator of the Heimskringla 40, 45. Conjectanea in Saxonem by Bryn- jålfur Sveinsson XX-XXII, 2314, 242, 25“, 288, 34,5, 39, 52. Crantzius, Albertus, see Krantz, Albert.
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