Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1943, Síða 90

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1943, Síða 90
56 Creutzberg (Mons crucis) XIV, 1514, 49- Dania XIII, g36, io17, 1434, 21, 2319. Diogenes Laertius 3415. dogs XII, 7, 26. Domitianus, Roman emperor 57,i. drift timber XIII, 8, 27, 43. eagles XIII, 8, 26. Eggert Olafsson, deputy lawman of Iceland (1726-68) 51. Eystrahorn (Østerhorn) 2428, 41. Fabricius, David (1564-1617) XVI. falcons XIII, 7, 26. fishing XIII-XIV, 12, 29-30. Flateyjarbok XXIII, XXIV, 38. Floki (Floco) VilgerQarson 311, 233. FriOrekr (Fridericus), German bishop 922- Friis, Christian, of Kragerup, chancellor of Denmark (1581-1639) 1320, 47. Frislandia XIII, 287-8. Fuglebierig (= Låtrabjarg) 2428, 41. Gamli såttmåli (“the old agreement”) between the Icelanders and King Håkon Håkonarson 45. GarSarr (Svåfarsson) XII, 37, 235-11. GarSarsholmur (-holmi) XII, 37, 2312. Germania g24-36, 3112. Geysir 2910, 46-47. ghosts XIV-XV, XXII, XXIV, 15, 33-34, 51-52- Giraldus Cambrensis VIII, XII, 46. Gisli Magnusson, district judge (1621- 96) XVIII, XIX, 43, 52. Gisli Oddsson, bishop of Skålholt (1593-1638) 48. glacies Grønlandica, see polar ice. Glad, Rasmus, see Lætus, Erasmus Mi- chaelius. goats 25. Gormr, king of Denmark io17. Grønlandia 736. GuSbrandur I>orlåksson, bishop of Ho- lar (1542-1627) IX-XI, 532, 40. GuOmundar saga biskups by Abbot Arngrimr XXIII, 415, 39, 46. GuQmundr Arason, bishop of Holar (t 1237) 41«. Håkarl 3012. Håkon Håkonarson, king of Norway 45- Håkon Sverrisson (error for Håkonar- son), king of Norway 2713, 45. Haraldr Gormsson, king of Denmark 45- Haraldr hårfagri (Haraldus Pulchri- comus), king of Norway XIII, 5®, 814, 2731. hares XIII, 8, 26. Haukadalur, district in Southern Ice- land 1115, 2912. Hauksbok 39. Hebrides, see Hoebudes. Heimskringla 43-44; translation by Peder Claussøn io9, 40, 45. Hekla XIV, 1424, 3i18-19, 32 pass., 3326, 49-51- Hel (goddess) XXII, 2510 (regnum Helanum), 42. Helga (feli), mountain XIV, I513ff-, 3118'25, 3327, 49-51- Helgafell, monastery 172, 3520. Hibernia (Hybernia) 436, 52. Hiera, island in the Aegean 51. Hjaltadalur, district in northern Ice- land 181. Hoebudes (= Hebrides) 522-25, 40. Hålar, episcopal seat in northern Ice- land VII, IX, X, XV, XIX, 1, 533, 2411, 3518, 40, 41, 42, 50. Hondius, Jodocus, X-XII, XVI, XXVI, 21, 38, 39, 4i-43, 46-50, 53, 54- horses XII, 7, 25. houses XV, 16, 17, 35. hrosshvalur 1413, 49. Hybernia, see Hibernia.
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