Bókasafnið - 01.01.2001, Blaðsíða 50

Bókasafnið - 01.01.2001, Blaðsíða 50
[skoðað 6.4.2001]. Aðgangur um Internetið: GALILEO http://galileo.gsu.edu/ Homepage.cgi Um aðgang bókasafna, stofnana og einstaklinga að erlend- um og innlendum gagnasöfnum. (1999) Reykjavík. Mennta- málaráðuneytið. Summary On the access of libraries, institutions and individu- als to foreign and domestic databases : a summary from a report of a committe working for the Icelandic Ministry of Education The article summarizes a report of a committee working for the Icelandic Ministry of Education in 1999. The committee had the role of finding ways to ensure Icelanders’ access to domestic and foreign databases through the Internet. The last years’ rapid evolution in information technology has changed the environment in the operations of libraries enabling them to offer users more diversified services. The author says that the technology surely is available, so therefore it is possible to offer good information services. She also says that there is much enthusiasm inside libraries to offer these services. The biggest problems are the small population of the nation and the small size of the research community. Because of those, the costs to gain access to electronic databases may be too high for Icelandic libraries. In the article some ideas about ways to ensure Icelandic users access to databases are set forth. Among the committee’s proposals was the establishment of a three years experimental project. The aim of the project is to make access to electronic databases an integrated part of Icelandic libraries’ services after the three years of experiment. Those who have observed the evolution in information technology worry about Iceland’s competing position in this field. They believe that evolution in science and technology may not be sufficient if Icelandic scientists and scholars do not have the same access to databases as their colleagues in other countries. E.S.S. 48 BÓKASAFNIÐ 25. ÁRG. 2001
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