Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1993, Page 113
9. Macrosteles viridigriseus (Edw.), Figs.
17 and 18. New to the Faroe Islands, map
see Fig. 50.
Fig. 17: Macrosteles viridigriseus (Edw.) male
Sandoy, Sandur - 22 July 1989
Fig. 18: Macrosteles viridigriseus (Edw.) female
Sandoy, Sandur - 29 August 1992
M. viridigriseus also belongs to the sexno-
tatus-group. The male aedeagus with cylin-
drical appendages, which apically are ap-
proximately parallel (Fig. 36): second ab-
dominal stemum see Fig. 37; the female
valvula is hardly serrated at all.
M. viridigriseus is confined to wet or
moist seashore meadows i.e. it is to some
extent halophilous and there are not many
salt marshes on the Faroe Islands. Very
little is known of its host plants. M.
viridigriseus is a rare species almost
everywhere - it is known from Scotland
and Norway, but not from Iceland.
Sandoy: Sandur, 22 July 1989 (P.Ketil)
Sandur, 29 August 1992 (P.Ketil/L.Trolle)
10. Macrosteles alpinus (Zett.). (Figs. 19
and 20). New to the Faroe Islands, map
see Fig. 51.
M. alpinus is a typical member of the
sexnotatus-group. Usually the black mark-
ings are strongly extended and even conflu-
ent. The ground colour is brownish yellow
and in dark specimens the forewings may
be partly fuscous.
However, the Faroese specimens differ
greatly from other populations. The mark-
ings are much reduced: the spots on the
junction of the vertex and the frontoclypeus
are hardly visible from above, the interme-
diate transverse lines are reduced to a pair
of short streaks or often completely absent