Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1993, Qupperneq 147

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1993, Qupperneq 147
151 Measurements ofsea bottom temperatures between the Faroe Islands and Iceland and between the Faroe Islands and Shetland 1906-1962 using telegraph cables Vagn Erik Michelsen Úrtak I greinini eru mátingar av el-mótstøðuni í telegrafkaðal- um á havbotninum millum Tórshavn og Seyðisfjørð og millum Tórshavn og Burwick. Fyri seinna heimsbar- daga vórðu mátingarnar gjørdar eina ferð um mánaðin, seinni eina ferð hvønn ársfjórðing. Saman við upplýs- ingum um samanbindingar eftir kaðalbrot ber til at brúka mótstøðuna til at frnna miðalhitan í sjónum uttan um kaðalamar. Langtíðarbroytingamar í hitanum skulu takast við fyrivami, tí lop eru í, sum m.a. kunnu hava við kaðalbrot at gera. Hitabroytingarnar við árstíðini eru meiri álítandi og kunnu vera liður í tulkingum av óvan- ligum viðurskiftum í økinum millum ísland og Hetland. Abstract Resistance measurements are reported from a cable be- tween Tórshavn in the Faroe Islands and Seyðisfjørð on eastem Iceland and a cable between Tórshavn and Bur- wick in Shetland. The measurements were performed at monthly intervals until the second world war and quar- terannually after that. When combined with information on splicings after cable breaks the resistances may be used to determine average bottom temperatures of the water along the cable tracks. The long-term variations of annual mean temperatures may be doubtful due to occa- sional offsets, possibly associated with cable breaks; but the seasonal variation appears more reliable and exhibits interesting features that may shed light on the behaviour of anomalous periods (Great Salinity Anomalies) in the Iceland-Shetland region. Introduction In 1906 the Great Northem Telegraph Company (Det Store Nordiske Telegraf- Selskab A/S, København) hereafter re- ferred to as “SNTS” established two sea- cables, one between Tórshavn in the Faroe Islands and Seyðisfjørð in Iceland (here- after referred to as the “Iceland-cable”) and the other one between Tórshavn and Bur- wick in Shetland (hereafter referred to as the “Shetland-cable”). Both cables started operation in August 1906 and were in oper- ation until 1962 although with occasional gaps. In this period the cable resistance was measured and archived regularly and as the resistance depends upon the temperature of the surrounding seawater these measure- ments may yield information on the aver- age bottom temperatures along the cable tracks. With the large interest in the role of the ocean in the climate system a time series of bottom temperatures between Iceland and Scotland should be of large interest; but to use this information two sets of problems Fróðskaparrit 41. bók. 1994(1993); 151-163
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