Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1993, Síða 150

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1993, Síða 150
154 MEASUREMENTS OF SEA BOTTOM TEMPERATURES ments which were considered more accu- rate; but the consistency with the Rolland Black values decreases the probability of erroneous values considerably. From 1906 until August 8th 1949 the re- sistance measurements were made in a test- house just by the landingpoint in Tórshavn. When the landing point was moved at the end of this period, the measuring system was installed at the telegraph station in Tór- shavn and for the rest of the period mea- surements were made there. Four land ca- bles connected the Telegraph station to the landing point, one for each of the sea-ca- bles and two spare cables which were grounded at the landing point. During each cable measurement the resistances of the two spare cables were measured also and the deviations used to correct the resis- tances of the other two land cables. These were then subtracted from the seacable re- sistances. Thus the resistance values pre- sented are for only the marine part of the cables also after 1949. Temperature calculation In the temperature ranges involved the re- sistance of a copper conductor increases al- most linearly with temperature. If Rt is the measured resistance of such a conductor at a fixed temperature t and R24 is the stan- dard resistance at 24°C then the tempera- ture will to sufficient accuracy be given by: t = 24°C - (R24 - Rt)/(a*Rt) where the coefficient a for the cables used was 0.0041 (°C)"‘. The linearity further- more implies that if there are temperature variations along the cable - which was cer- tainly the case here - then the temperature deduced by the above formula should be a fair representation of the average tempera- ture of the whole cable. In the start of the period the resistances were reported in BA Ohm (British Associ- ation, 1864) and the standard resistance was referred to 75° Fahrenheit (= 23.89°C). From Febr. 2.nd 1913 Intemational Ohms were used and 24 °C used as standard tem- perature. In the tables presented here the values before 1913 have all been converted to Intemational Ohms and referred to 24°C. Results The measured cable resistances are shown in Table 1 and Table 2 together with infor- mation on cable lengths and standard resis- tances from the splicing lists and calculated cable temperature. The measured resis- tances and temperatures calculated from them are copied from the SNTS joumal (S.N.T.S joumal for elektriske málinger) but all temperatures have been recalculated for checking purposes. The temperatures are furthermore plotted in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 as timeseries for the whole period. Discussion The regular seasonal variations in the cal- culated temperatures, evident in Figs. 3 and 4 for most years, are indications that the values do reflect sea temperature to some extent. This does not guarantee long-term accuracy, however. Hansen et al. (1994)
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