Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1953, Page 70

Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1953, Page 70
70 RIT Á ERLENDUM TUNGUM dian Chemistry and Process Industries. 1949. 4to. — The training of chemists for industry. — Chemi- stry in Canada. 1951. 4to. -— and E. C. BAILEY. The heat capacity of aqueous solutions of hydrofluoric acid. Repr. from Canadian Journal of Research, B. 24. 1946. 8vo. VINGEDAL, SVEN ERIK. Eddan pá svenska. Folklig kultur, 17. árg. Sth. 1952. 8vo. VOGT, WALTIIER IIEINRICH. Altnorwegens Urfehdebann und der Geleitschwur. Tryggða- mál und Griðamál. Forrn- und Stoffgeschichte. Die Wortlaute. Ubersetzungen. Weimar 1936. 8vo. ZWEIG, STEFAN. Der Amokláufer. Eine Novelle. Ak. 1951. 8vo. [ÞÓRARINSSON, SIGURÐUR] TIIORARINS- SON, SIGURÐUR. The eruption of Hekla 1947 —48. The Geographical Magazine. London 1951. 8vo. [ÞORGILSSON, ÞÓRHALLUR] TH. TORGILS- SON. A Islándia. Nova republica Norte-At- lantica. — Portugal d’Aquém e d’Além-Mar. Lisboa 1947. 4to. — Ecos espanoles en Islandia. [Sérpr. úr „Revista Universitaria"]. Salamanca 1951. 4to. ÞORKELSSON, SIGURÐUR. Radioudstyret om- bord i m/s Gullfoss. Det 6. nordiske elektro- teknikermöde i Island, juli 1952. Rvík [1952]. 4to. [ÞORSTEINSSON, ÞORSTEINN] THOR- STEINN THORSTEINSSON. The first census taken in Iceland in 1703. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the International Statistical Conferences, 1947, vol. III. 8vo. Leiðrétting við Árbók 1950—1951, bls. 126, 2. d., 7.—9.1. að ofan. Á að vera: ÞORGILSSON, ÞÓRIIALLUR. Ecos espanoles en Islandia. Revista Universitaria VI, no. 15. Sala- manca 1951. 4to.


Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands

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