Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1996, Page 35
Geikie, J. 1882. On the geology of the Færöe
Islands. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh XXX,
217-269 (samnefndur útdráttur er í Proc.
Royal Soc. Edinburgh 10, 495-500, 1880).
Helland, A. 1874. Om mægtigheden af
bræerne i Norge under Istiden. Geologiska
Fören. i Stockholm Förh. Band II, no. 6,
Helland, A. 1876. Om de isfyldte fjorde og de
glaciale dannelser i Nordgr0nland. Archiv
for Mathematik og Naturvidenskab 1, 59-
125. Einnig í Mitt. d. Vereins f. Erdk. zu
Leipzig 1876, 25-36.
Helland, A. 1877. On the ice-fjords of North
Greenland, and on the formation of fjords,
lakes and cirques in Norway and Greenland.
Quart. J. Geol. Soc. 33, 142-176.
Helland, A. I879a, b. Uber die glaciale Bild-
ungen der nordeuropiiischen Ebene. Zeitsch.
d. deutsch. geol. Ges. 1879, 63-106. Uber
die Vergletscherung der Færöer sowie der
Shetland- und Orkney-inseln. Sama rit, 716-
Helland, A. 1880. Om Færpernes geologi.
Geogr. Tidsskr. 4, 149-179.
Hubbard, A.J. 1881. The igneous rocks of Ice-
land. Nature 25, 8.
Högbom, A.G. 1923. Geologiens Udvikling i
det nittende Aarhundrede. Nordisk Forlag,
Kpbenhavn, 101 bls.
Jón Jónsson 1994. Eldreinin mikla. Náttúrufr.
64, 111-130. Sbr. og grein Jóns: Stórgosin
þrjú. Dagskráin, Selfossi, 25. árg. 13. ág.
1992, bls. 6.
Leclercq, J. 1883. La Terre de Glace. Plon,
Paris, 320 bls.
Lock, W.G. 1881 a. Volcanic history of Ice-
land. Geol. Mag. 18, 212-214.
Lock, W.G. 1881 b. Askja, the largest volcano
of Iceland, with a short description of the
Ódáðahraun. Proc. Royal Geogr. Soc. 3 (2nd
Ser.), 471-483, kort.
Malm, O. 1916. Arnund Helland som borger
og menneske. í Festskrift til Professor
Amund Helland paa hans 70 Aars Fpdsels-
dag, 1-20. H. Aschehoug & Co., Kristiania.
Rémy, C. 1882. L'Islande. La revue scienti
fique, 3e série, tome IV, 485-496.
Sigurjón Rist 1956. íslenzk vötn I. Raforku-
málaskrifstofan, Reykjavík, 127 bls.
Sommerfeldt, W.P. 1916. Amund Hellands
Forfatterskap. í Festskrift til Professor
Amund Helland paa hans 70 Aars Fpdsels-
dag, 244-253. H. Aschehoug & Co.,
Tromholt, S. 1885. Breve fra Ultima Thule. C.
Gravenhorst, Randers, 344 bls.
Zittel, K.A. v. 1901. History of Geology and
Palaeontology. Ensk þýðing: M.M. Ogilvie-
Gordon. Walter Scott, London, 562 bls.,
stytt frá þýskri Irumútgáfu 1899.
0yen, P.A. 1916. Amund Helland som bane-
bryter i norsk geologisk diskussion. I Fest-
skrift til Professor Amund Helland paa hans
70 Aars Fpdselsdag, 21-59. H. Aschehoug &
Co., Kristiania.
Amund Helland and other
Thc paper begins with a hiographical outline
of Professor Amund Helland (1846-1918), a
Norwegian geologist who was very productive
in research in a variety of fields including min-
ing, Qualernary geology, and the geography of
Norway. Helland travelled widely in Iceland
in the summer of 1881 and wrote a number of
papers on his observations there, especially on
volcanology and geomorphology. He was,
among other things, the first geologist to in-
vestigate the craters of the 1783 Lakagígar fis-
sure eruption, and the first to estimate the dis-
charge of Icelandic glacial rivers. He also pub-
lished works of the Icelanders Sveinn Pálsson
and Þorvaldur Thoroddsen in Norway.
Another geologist to visit Iceland in 1881
was James Geikie (1839-1915), soon to be-
come Professor of geology at the University of
Edinburgh. Geikie was a pioneer in studying
glacial deposits and geomorphology, and he
was a good friend of Amund Helland. Several
other foreign geoscientists came to Iceland in
the years around 1881.
Leó Kristjánsson
Raunvísindast. Háskólans/Science Institute
Dunhaga 3
Kristján P. Kristjánsson
Granhaugan I,