Fréttablaðið - 19.11.2009, Page 48

Fréttablaðið - 19.11.2009, Page 48
Drífa ehf. - Suðurhrauni 12c - Garðabæ - Sími 555 7400 - OPNUNARTÍMAR: MÁN-FÖS 12-18 / LAU 10-16 / SUN 12-16 HEFST MÁNUDAGINN 16 . NÓVEMBER Dúnúlpa 19.900,- Softshell jakkar 5.900,- 5.900,- Softshell jakki m/ hettu stúlkna 1.500,- Micro Fleece stúlkna 2.900,- Micro Fleece úlk 2.900,- Micro Fleece úlk 1.500,- Micro Fleece stúlkna 4.900,- Softshell jakki 1.950,- Micro Fleece buxur stúlkna/drengja 1.950,- Micro Fleece buxur stúlkna/drengja 4.900,- Softshell jakki drengja 4.900,- Softshell jakki drengja 3.500,- Micro Fleece drengja 3.500,- Micro Fleece drengja 3.500,- Micro Fleece drengja 5.900,- Softshell jakki m/ hettu drengja Softshell jakki 5.900,- 8.900,- Tæknilegur Softshell jakki 5.900,- Softshell jakki 5.900,- Softshell jakki 5.900,- Softshell jakki 3.500,- Super Soft Fleece 2.900,- Super Soft Fleece 3.500,- Super Soft Fleece 3.500,- Super Soft Fleece 3.500,- Super Soft Fleece 3.500,- Super Soft Fleece 3.500,- Super Soft Fleece 6.900,- Fur Softshell jakki 2.500,- Mocca Fleece 1.900,- Micro Fleece 7.900,- Softshell jakki 8.900,- Tæknilegur Softshell jakki 8.900,- Tæknilegur Softshell jakki 5.900,- Softshell jakki 5.900,- Softshell jakki 5.900,- Softshell jakki 5.900,- Softshell jakki 6.500,- Softshell jakki 500,- Wind Cutter 6.500,- Softshell jakki 500,- Wind Cutter 3.900,- Micro Fleece 3.900,- Micro Fleece 2.900,- Wind Cutter 2.900,- Wind Cutter 1.500,- Micro Fleece 12.500,- Lightshell regnjakki hö nn un : w w w .s ki ss a. ne t



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