Árbók Félags útvarpsnotenda - 01.01.1933, Page 19

Árbók Félags útvarpsnotenda - 01.01.1933, Page 19
úTVARPSARBóK 17 Stöð: Öldu- lengd, inetrar öldu- tíðni kílo- rið| sek. Orka kw. Rúmenía 364.5 823 100 Milano (Italia) 368.6 814 100 Salonika (Grikkland) 373.1 804 20 Scottish Regional (seinna West Reg.) 373.1 804 100 Santiago (Spánn) 377.4 795 100 Leipzig (Þýskaland) 382.2 785 120 Stalino (Rússland) 386.6 776 100 Toulouse PTT (Frakkland) 386.6 776 120 Midland Regional (seinna Scottish Regional) 391.1 767 100 Kattowice (Polland) 395.8 758 100 Marseilles (Frakkland) 400.5 749 100 Vipuri (Finnland) 400.5 749 100 Múnchen (Þýskaland) 405.4 740 100 Seville (Spánn) 410.4 731 100 Tallinn (Estonia) 410.4 731 100 Kiev (Rússland) 415.5 722 100 Rómaborg (ítalía) 420.8 713 100 Stockholm (Sviþjóð) 426.1 704 100 Paris PTT (Frakkland) 431.7 695 120 Belgrad (Júgoslavía) 437.3 686 100 Sottens (Sviss) 443.1 677 100 North Regional 449.1 668 100 Jerúsalem (Palestina) 449.1 668 100 Langenberg (Þýskaland) 455.9 658 100 Pterozavodsk (Rússland) 463 648 100 Lyons PTT (Frakkland) 463 648 100 Prag I (Tjekkoslóvakía) 470.2 638 120 Trondheim (Noregur) 476.9 629 100 Skoplje (Júgóslavía) 476.9 629 100


Árbók Félags útvarpsnotenda

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