Árbók Félags útvarpsnotenda - 01.01.1933, Page 22

Árbók Félags útvarpsnotenda - 01.01.1933, Page 22
20 úTVARPSÁRBóK Stöðvarnafn Kall- mei ki Gldu- leng'd metr- ar Öldu- tíðni kílo- rið sek. Minneapolis, Minn. WCCO 370 810 Denver, Col. KOA 361 830 New York City WABC 349 860 Chicago, III. WLS 345 870 Chicago, 111. WENR 345 870 Denver, Col. KFOF 341 880 Pittsburgh, Pa. KDKA 306 980 Springfield, Mass. WZB 303 990 Davenport, Iowa WOC 300 1000 Chicago, 111. KFKX 294 1020 Hartford, Conn. WTIC 283 1060 Cleveland, Ohio WTAM 280 1070 St. Louis, Mo. KMOX 275 1090 Atlantic City, N. J. WPG 273 1100 Mooseheart, 111. WJJD 265 1130 Rochester, N. Y. WHAM 261 1150 Philadelphia, Pa. WCAU 256 1170 St. Antonio, Texas WOAI 252 1190 Miami Florida WIOD 231 1300 St. Paul, Minn. KSTP 205 1460 Spokane, Wash. KGA 204 1470


Árbók Félags útvarpsnotenda

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