Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2003, Blaðsíða 165

Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2003, Blaðsíða 165
Fyrirlestrar Electricity market reform in Iceland. Ráðstefnan „Modern Power Engineering – the Basis of Economic Development: Towards a Baltic Market for Electricity.“ Stockholm School of Econ- omics, Sankti Pétursborg, 15. maí 2002. A whiter shade of pale: on the political economy of environmental policy instruments. Árleg Evrópuráðstefna Econometric Society í Feneyjum 25.-28. ágúst 2002. A whiter shade of pale: on the political economy of envi- ronmental policy instruments. Erindi í boði Háskólans í Bergen, 20. september 2002. A whiter shade of pale: on the political economy of environmental policy instruments. Árleg ráðstefna NERP í Oulu, Finnlandi, 12.-13. desember 2002. Price Volatility and Banking in Green Certificate Markets. Ráðstefn- an „Electricity Market Reforms: Experiences and Lessons for the Future“, Kaupmannahöfn, 14.-15. nóvember 2002. Grænt eða iðjagrænt – um stjórnmálahagfræði umhverfisstýri- tækja. Málstofa í Hagfræðistofnun Háskóla Íslands, 13. mars 2002. Grænn raforkumarkaður. Málstofa í Hagfræðistofnun Háskóla Íslands, 4. desember 2002. Foreign investment in Iceland. Ráðstefnan „Icelandic Bonds in the International Market“, Reykjavík, 15. mars 2002. Áfangaskýrsla aflareglunefndar. Helstu niðurstöður Fyrirspurn- aþing sjávarútvegsráðuneytisins 2002, Reykjavík, 5. nóvember 2002. „Fisheries management – principal methods, advantages and disadvantages.“ Fræðafundur á vegum sjávarútvegsráðu- neytisins, Reykjavík, 6. september 2002. Útdrættir Baldursson, Fridrik, and Nils-Henrik von der Fehr (2002). Prices vs quantities: the case of risk averse agents. Abstract posted on the Social Science Research Network (www.ssrn.com). Baldursson, Fridrik, and Nils-Henrik von der Fehr (2002). A whiter shade of pale: on the political economy of environmental policy instruments (2002). Abstract posted on the website of the Econometric Society European Meeting in Venice (http://www.eea-esem.com/eea-esem/esem2002). Guðmundur K. Magnússon prófessor Fræðileg skýrsla Basel Capital Adequacy Ratio and the Icelandic Banking Sector: Quantitative Impact, Structural Changes and Optimality Considerations. Institute of Economic Studies. Working Paper 02:05, www.ioes.hi.is (GK. Magnússon og S. Andonov). Fyrirlestrar Inngangsfyrirlestur á ráðstefnu: Seminar on Financial Crises. Oslo, 11. september 2002, sjá www.kredittilsynet.no. Málstofa í Seðlabanka Íslands í febrúar: Áhættustjórnun í bankakerfinu. Málstofa í Viðskipta- og hagfræðideild í nóvemer: Á hættunni. Fræðsluefni Fiskur og farsími, Vísbending. Króna og evra, Vísbending. Gylfi Zoëga prófessor Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum The Modigliani ‘Puzzle’, Economics Letters 76, No. 3, August 2002, pp. 437-442, with Tryggvi Herbertsson. The British Beveridge Curve: A Tale of Ten Regions, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Vol, 64, No. 3, July 2002, pp. 261-280 with Howard J. Wall. Hiring and Firing: A Tale of Two Thresholds, Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Part 1, April 2002, pp. 217-248, with Alison Booth and Yu-Fu Chen. Önnur fræðileg grein Um sítrónur og menn, Hagmál 41, 2002, pp. 44-45. Bókarkafli The Incidence of Increased Unemployment in the Group of Seven, 1970-1994, pp. 154-180, with Edmund Phelps. Festschrift in honour of Professor Emmanuel Drandakis, Athens School of Business and Economics Fræðilegar skýrslur og álitsgerðir Yu-Fu Chen, Dennis Snower and Gylfi Zoëga, „Labour Market Institutions and Macroeconomic Shocks“. Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), London, Discussion papers, 26 p. Alison L Booth and Gylfi Zoëga, „If You’re so Smart, Why Aren’t You Rich? Wage Inequality with Heterogenous Workers?“ Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), London, Discussion papers, 19 p. Tryggvi Herbertsson, „A Microstate with Scale Economies: The Case of Iceland.“ Institute of Economic Studies (Hagfræði- stofnun), University of Iceland, 27 p. Alison L. Booth, Marco Francesconi and Gylfi Zoëga, „Oligospony, Institutions and the Efficiency of General Training.“ Institute of Economic Studies (Hagfræðistofnun), University of Iceland, 35 p. Alison L. Booth and Gylfi Zoëga, „If you’re so smart, why aren’t you rich? Wage inequality with heterogeneous workers.“ Institute of Economic Studies (Hagfræðistofnun), University of Iceland, 19 p. Thorvaldur Gylfason and Gylfi Zoëga, „Inequality and Economic Growth: Do Natural Resources Matter?“, April 2002. CESifo, University of Munich, discussion papers, 38 p. Alison Booth, Marco Francesconi, Gylfi Zoëga, „Oligopsony, Institutions and the Efficiency of General Training“, October 2002. Insitute for the Study of Labor (IZA), University of Bonn, 34 p. Yu-Fu Chen, Dennis J. Snower, Gylfi Zoëga, „Labour-Market Institutions and Macroeconomic Shocks“, July 2002. Insitute for the Study of Labor (IZA), University of Bonn, 25 p. Howard J. Wall and Gylfi Zoëga, „The British Beveridge Curve: A Tale of Ten Regions“, Working Paper 2001-007B, Revised March 2002. Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis, 32 p. Howard J. Wall and Gylfi Zoëga, „Regional Business Cycles and the Natural Rate of Unemployment, “ November 2002, No. 19. Central Bank of Iceland (Seðlabanki Íslands), 42 p. Inflation and unemployment in Iceland in the light of natural- rate theory, March 2002. Central Bank of Iceland (Seðlabanki Íslands), 43 p. Fyrirlestrar Growth and Inequality: Issues and Policy Implications, with Thorvaldur Gylfason. Presented at a CESifo/University of Washington (Seattle) conference at Schloss Elmau, Bavaria, in January 2002. A Microstate with Scale Economies: The Case of Iceland, with Tryggvi Herbertsson. Presented at an International Conference on Iceland and The World Economy: Small Island Economies in The Era of Globalization, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, USA, May 2002. Inflation and Unemployment in Iceland. Presented at the Central Bank of Iceland, April 2002. Spatial Business Cycles and the Natural Rate of Unemployment, 164
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Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands

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