Fróðskaparrit - 01.07.2004, Side 54
ence to work done in 2002; here it is suffi-
cient to note that this difference is less
clear, if anything the reverse, in northern
Scotland. The widespread occurrence of
Agabus bipustulatus, with larvae present in
all still and most slow-running habitats, is
not typical of areas occupied by other large
diving beetles.
The prediction of lentic species in the
Faroes is within 0.0068 logarithmic units of
the actual 12 species (Sphaeridiinae ex-
cluded). This is the lowest residual of all
eighteen areas under consideration, possi-
bly reflecting the accuracy of the observa-
tion for the Faroes.
Finally, there is no evidence of beetles
responding to climate change. In Scotland,
the most extreme example thus far is that of
Rhantus suturalis (Macleay). This species,
which ranges from Europe to New Zealand,
was known until recently in Scotland only
from the extreme south on six occasions up
to 1950. It was discovered in Fife by Mr T.
Huxley in 2002, and in 2003 by GNF near
the northern extremity of mainland Scot-
land in Caithness, at a site that had been
sampled frequently since 1985. Thus there
is activity further south that may yet result
in additions to the Faroese fauna.
We are grateful to Dr Ignacio Ribera for re-
working the analysis of the species-area re-
lationship. GNF wishes to note with grati-
tude the provision of facilities for this
work. Rob Close accompanied us on the
survey work in June 2004. Derek Lott iden-
tified the Staphylinidae.
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