Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2008, Blaðsíða 193
Reports and papers of common interest
Dam, M. og Hoydal, K. 2007. Kanning av dálk-
ingarstøðuni í Sørvágstvatni/Leitisvatni. HS mál
200601058-59. Frágreiðing nr. 2007:3. Heilsu-
frøðiliga starvsstovan, pp. 185.
Dam, M. og Hoydal, K. 2007. OSPAR CEMP eftirans-
ingarskipan í Føroyum í 2005. HS mál nr. 7-
200700045-3. Rapport nr. 2006:6. Heilsufrøðiliga
starvsstovan, pp. 15.
Dam, M. og Hoydal, K. 2007. Dioksin í føroyskum
eggum í 2006. Heilsufrøðiliga starvsstovan, pp. 5.
Hansen, M.C. 2007. Frágreiðing um virksemi Arb-
eiðsbólkurin „Firðir og dálking" 2005-2006. HS
mál nr. 200500723-22. Heilsufrøðiliga starvsstov-
an, pp. 42.
Other scientists in and outside the Faroes
working with Faroese projects
Scientific papers
Borthwick, D.M. 2007. The timing and impact of
Norse Lnadman on the vegetation of Hovsdalur,
Faroe Islands. PhD thesis to the College of Phys-
ical Science of the University of Aberdeen, Scot-
Dugmore, A.J., Church, M.J., Dawson, A„ Edwards,
K.J., Mayewski, P„ McGovern, T.H., Mairs, K-A„
Simpson, I.A. and Sveinbjarnardóttir, G. 2007.
The role of climate in settlement and landscape
change in the North Atlantic islands: an assess-
ment of cumulative deviations in high-resolu-
tion proxy climate records. Human Ecology 35:
Edwards, K.J. and Borthwick, D.B. In press. Peaceful
wars and scientific invaders: Irishmen, Vikings
and palynological evidence for the earliest set-
tlement of the Faroe Islands. In: Ó Corráin, D„
Sheehan, J. and Wallace, P.F. (eds). Proceedings of
the XVth Viking Congress, Cork, Ireland, 2005.
Gathorne-Hardy, F.J., Lawson, I.T., Church, M.J.,
Brooks, S.J., Buckland, P.C. and Edwards, K.J.
2007. The Chironomidae of Gróthúsvatn, San-
doy, Faroe Islands: Climatic and lake phospho-
rus reconstructions, and the impact of human
settlement. The Holocene 17:1259-1264.
Gotfredsen, A.B. 2007. Husdyr, fangst og fiskeri. In:
Mahler, D.L. Sæteren ved Argisbrekka. Økono-
miskeforandringer pá Fcerøerne i vikingetiden og
tidlig middelalder. PhD-thesis. University of
Copenhagen. Fróðskapur. Faroe University
Press. Supplementum 47. Tórshavn: 282-297.
Hannon, G.E. and Bradshaw, R.H.W. 2007. Human
impact and landscape change at Argisbrekka. In:
Mahler, D.L. Sceteren ved Argisbrekka. Økono-
miske forandringer pá Fcerøerne i vikingetiden og
tidlig middelalder. PhD-thesis. University of
Copenhagen. Fróðskapur. Faroe University
Press. Supplementum 47. Tórshavn: 306-323.
Lawson, I.T., Church, M.J., Edwards, K.J., Cook, G.T.
and Dugmore, A.J. 2007. Peat initiation in the
Faroe Islands: climate change, pedogenesis or
human impact? Earth and Environmental Sci-
ence Transactions of the Royal Society of Edin-
burgh 98:15-28.
Lawson, I.T., Edwards, K.J., Church, M.J., Newton, A.J.,
Cook, G.T., Gathorne-Hardy, F.J. and Dugmore,
A.J. 2007. Human impact on an island ecosys-
tem: pollen data from Sandoy, Faroe Islands. The
Journal of Biogeography: 1-23.
Mahler, D.L. 2007. Sæteren ved Argisbrekka. Økono-
miske forandringer pá Færøerne i vikingetiden og
tidlig middelalder. PhD-thesis. University of
Copenhagen. Fróðskapur. Faroe University
Press. Supplementum 47. Tórshavn: 1-525.
McMullen, J.A. and Edwards, K.J. 2007. The vegeta-
tion of grass roofs in the Faroe Islands - an or-
dination study from Sandoy. Fróðskaparrit 55:
Pauladóttir, M. 2007. Nakrar hugleiðingar um
hvussu sagnorðini blíva og verða koma fyri í nú-
tíðar, munnligum føroyskum. Fróðskaparrit 55:
Skárup, P. 2007. Næmingar í latínskúlanum í Havn
og Torluf Gregersen. Fróðskaparrit 55: 5-11.
Thomson, A.M. and Simpson, I.A. 2007. Modelling
historic rangeland management and grazing
pressures in landscapes of settlement. Human
Ecology 33:151-168.