Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2008, Blaðsíða 195
Fróðskaparrit is the journal of the Fróðskapur - Faroe Uni-
versity Press. Papers from all areas of natural and medical
sciences, and the humanities are invited in any language as
long their thopics pertain to the Faroes.
All manuscripts received will be evaluated by the
board of editors and/or independent referees. This style
guide must be followed or else the paper will be retumed
to the author for revision.
Submit the manuscript to the Editor-in-Chief as a
paper copy or by email to: including a CD
in Winword if the manuscript contains several pictures
and/or tables.
Authors will receive page in pdf-format for correction
and the corrected proofs should be returned within 72
hours to the Editor-in-Chief. Alternation should be kept
to a minimum, and extensive changes will be charged for.
You will be sent a pdf of the paper, which you are free to
place on your website or distribute as you wish. The pdf
will be locked and its content cannot be changed or re-
Style Guide
Manuscripts should follow the general rules accepted
within the respective scientific field. However, endnotes
should be kept to a minimum and especially footnotes
should be avoided - the full explanation be given in the
Italics (which can also be indicated in the text by under-
lining) should be used for:
1) References to titles ofbooks and periodicals
2) Latin names ofplants and animals
The title of the paper in bold, Upper-and-lower case and
the author/s name in Italic, UPPER and lower case fol-
lowed by two line spaces.
Level 1 subtitle: Bold, Upper-and-lower case followed
by one line space.
Level 2 subtitle: Bold, Upper-and-lower case followed
by no space.
Level 3 subtitle: Italics, UPPER and lower case followed
by no space.
The title, author's name with postal and Email should
be on the first page, followed by an abstract of the paper,
not exeeding 175 wordsamplifying but not repeating the
title. It should outline the purpose of the paper, the work,
details and important results and conclusions. An extra
summary should be provided to be translated into
Faroese or English depending on the language of the
The text should ideally contain: Introdution, Materi-
als and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion, but
other concepts may be accepted. In the text the Interna-
tional Systems of Units are followed (Sl-Units, e.g. meter as
m; degree C as °C). Figures: Tables and Figures (including
photographs) should be listed after the text, and they
should be explained in the caption (not as: ..see text). In
Tables the tabulator must be used, never spaces. Figures
must be submitted in EPS, TIFF or JPEG file format or
printed on white paper. Photographs in black and white
or colour plates must be supplied as dias or glossy prints,
not larger than A4 in size or sent by email.
In the text, references should not be cited by num-
bering, but as Joensen (1963), or when more convenient
(Joensen, 1963). More than one reference should be writ-
ten as Joensen (1963; 1970) or (Joensen, 1963; 1970) or
(Svabo, 1783; Joensen, 1963). References to specific pages
should be given as (Joensen, 1963:123-134). Two authors
should be referred as (Joensen and Táning, 1970) and
more than twoauthorsas (Enckell etal., 1986). See below
for references written in full. The list of references should
not be numbered but placed in alphabetical order, the ti-
tles of books given in full, and journals with the abbrevia-
tions used by the actual journal, as follows:
Benjaminsen, T. and Christensen, 1.1980. The natural his-
tory of the bottlenose whale, Hyperoodon ampullatus
(Foster) In: Winn, H.E. and Olla, B.L. (eds). Behavior of
Marine Animals 3:143-158.
Enckell, P.H., Bengtson, S-A., Douwes, P., Niklasson, M„
Stille, B. and Wiman, B. 1986. The dispersal pattern of
an anthropochorous species: Genetic variation in pop-
ulations of Lumbricus terrestris L. (Lumbricidae) in the
Faroe Islands. Hereditas 104: 253-261.
SvaboJ.C. 1783 (1959). Indberetningerfra en Rejse i Fcerøe
1787 og 7782. Selskabet til Udgivelse af Færøske Kilde-
skrifter og Studier. København.
Udkast til Lov for Færøerne om Jagt, Fuglefangst m.m.
1911. Forslag og Betcenkninger afgivne af Den Fcerøske
Landbokommision. København: 303-314.
Submit manuscripts to
Dorete Bloch, Editor-in-Chief of Fróðskaparrit
Føroya Náttúrugripasavn
Musemu of Natural History
FO-100 Tórshavn, Faroe Islands,
Phone: +298 352320
Fax: +298 352321