Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 21.04.2006, Page 19

Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 21.04.2006, Page 19
I f Wt. l-1‘' rightoov.'. mrloobog«^^"T’^y nght oo* •J%>{ \v yu~ \! YowWsg'*"*1’ V-.W T f y^Vntí ^ g^SáuS5»SS^^y oT V Ytiur ioaá\! nHVOOÍroe«Krightw«yoorfotós' Co« ho^mg * t-vve mc ngbt ttOW. cS-c s - » ('mwsnoctiupTiow. UlY go' ^k^whon.hcflovi^o. OX^.ixghom^ S55S?>Si»*-«*-‘,*''M" SopreootVroch»dk. ífíE3u«**~'“~w Most fncMwWy jt'i youv girt b ^yourboyyouog HWorvmtHcor^nB- 1 U»k m«i"® '° c»<y l,mc &3=5«S!ss£ !S'5““ÉlE‘SÍ^*k-‘*" Juyrho-yourJovcc.no t-o* "gb. "OW Ywúiov'’ octazyn«hrnwy«urrouch'v &£&">'*»***”*■ Y'our touch' pa)Pr nrc n»ht rrow y«',! ' (,oi mc Vioptt'8 V°u * mc nght now Wt mc hop^K y^. ,ovc-y got mc JooVung |3 ? ígilb öttmtímotónlist ■


Dagblaðið Vísir - DV

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