

Læknablaðið - 01.08.1966, Blaðsíða 81

Læknablaðið - 01.08.1966, Blaðsíða 81
L Æ K N A B L A Ð I Ð 187 think that it would be further possible to have two unequal groups of doctors namely, the superior group of specialists and the inferior group of G. P.s. It is fully clear that in the very near future the G. P.s and all specialists and sub-specialists must have equal social, academic and intercolleagial status. Labour division also is a feature of our modern times, from which the G. P. of the near future can no more be excluded. In this sphere of work load and labour division also the near future will bring many new forms of G. P. activity. It is no more thinkable that 50% of all doctors could be excluded from the universities, the academic ladder and the field of their own resaarch. Research in General Practice would soon pay for itself, be- cause it is research for the general public, fortheday today ailmentsand for daily use. Especially industry, commerce and the daily life of man- kind will receive the benefit from research in General Practice as the general practitioner deals with the little but many ailments. G. P.s of the future will have their own organizations, their own leaders, their own image and their own aims. They will also lead their own life which will be a very useful one for the public, the specialist groups, but also a happy one for the G. P.s themselvesandtheirfamilies. If we consider the status of the G. P.s in all five continents at present and if we compare it with this short list of reforms we will see that many reforms are necessary to reach that aim. Reforms in this and many other ways, which only the future will reveal to us, will be necessary and indispensable. So, concluding, we can state that the career of the G. P. of the future will and must be a very interesting one in the centre of human life, but it must also be a career which gives happiness to all concerned. nnÉF TIL nTAÐSINS Einhver ,,besserwisser“ hefur komizt í handritið af greinarstúf þeim, sem ég sendi blaðinu í febrúar og birtist í júníheftinu. Hafa verið gerðar ýmsar breytingar á textanum og ekki allt til bóta. í læknisfræðilegu tímariti skiptir ekki máli, hvort er notað t.d. —synovitis í fingurliðum— eða -—liðaþelsbólga í kjúkuliðum—. Þar hlýtur smekkur höfundar að ráða, og tæplega hlutverk ritstjórnar að breyta neinu þar um. Höfuðatriði er aftur á móti, að lesendur blaðsins fái í hendur skiljanlegan texta. í þessu tilliti er ýmsu ábótavant, því víða hefur merkingin brenglazt í þýðingartilraunum og öðrum lag- færingum. Finn ég mig knúðan að tilgreina það helzta. Síða 119. ,,Úlnliðsskekkja“ er fráleit þýðing á ulnar deviation. Skekkjan er einungis bundin við metacarpophalangeal liðina og hefur ekkert með
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