

Læknablaðið - 01.08.1970, Blaðsíða 59

Læknablaðið - 01.08.1970, Blaðsíða 59
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 135 It is thought probable, that the mutant gene present in the two fam- ilies and the one previously described,0 has originated from a common ancestor in the area. Efforts to find such a relationship by genealogical approach have not been successful yet. The bleeding times have been found normal in all affected individuals, when tested in the asymptomatic phase, whereas it has been prolonged, when symptoms of bleeding were present. The estimations of coagulation factors were performed at the Statens Seruminstitut in Copenhagen on frosen plasma samples sent by air. HEIMILDIR 1. Alexander, B. & Goldstein, R.: Dual hemostatic defect in pseudo- hemophilia. J. Clin. Invest. 32:551, 1953. 2. Biggs, R. & Matthews, J. M.: The treatment of haemorrhage in von Willebrand’s disease and the blood level of factor VIII (AHG). Brit. J. Haemat. 9:203, 1963. 3. Cornu, P., Larrieu, M.D., Caen, J. & Bernard, J.: Transfusion studies in von Willebrand’s disease: effects on bleeding time and factor VIII. Brit. J. Haemat. 9:189, 1963. 4. Duke, W. W.: The pathogenesis of purpura haemorrhagica with especial reference to the part played by the blood-platelets. Arch. intern. Med. 10:445, 1912. 5. Hardisty, R. M., Dormandy, K. M. & Hutton, R. A.: Thrombasthenia studies on three cases. Brit. J. Haemat. 10:371, 1964. 6. Jensson, Ó. and Wallett, Leon H.: Von Willebrand’s disease in an Icelandic family. Acta Med. Scand. 187, 229, 1970. 7. Kaneshiro, M. M., Mielke, C. H., Kasper, C. K. and Rapaport, S. I.: Bleeding time after asperin in disorders of intrinsic clotting. New Eng. J. Med„ 281, 1039, 1969. 8. Lee, R. I. & White, P. D.: A clinical study of the coagulation time of blood. Amer. J. Med. Sci., 145, 1913. 9. MacFarlane, R. G.: International review of experimental pathology. Vol. 6, p. 119. Academic Press, New York and London 1968. 10. Nilsson, I. M., Blomback, M. & von Francken, I.: On an inherited autosomal haemorrhagic diathesis with antihemophilic globulin (AHG) deficiency and prolonged bleeding time. Acta Med. Seand. 159:35, 1957. 11. Nilsson, I. M„ Blombáck, M„ Jorpes, E„ Blombáck, B. & Johannsson, S.: von Willebrand’s disease and its correction with human plasma Fraction 1—10. Acta Med. Scand. 159:179, 1957. 12. O’Brien, J. R.: Effects of anti-inflammatory agents on platelets. Lancet, ii, 894, 1968. 13. O’Brien, J. R.: Effects of salicylates on human platelets. Lancet, ii, 779, 1968. 14. Quick, A. J.: Acetylsalicylic acid as a diagnostic aid in hemostasis. Amer. J. Med. Sci. 245, 392, 1967. 15. Pitney, W. R. & Arnold, B. J.: Plasma antihaemophilic factor (AHG) concentrations in families of patients with haemorrhagic states. Brit. J. Haemat. 5:184, 1959.
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