Læknablaðið - 15.11.1980, Page 25
Bandaríkjunum (10), og eru niðurstöður rann-
sóknanna sammála um að tíðni tannskemmda
lækki um 20-50 % eftir tveggja ára neyslu
fluoride-taflna. Fluoride- töflur hafa verið
notaðar í sambandi við skólatannlækningar í
Reykjavík, en ekki er kunnugt um áhrif þeirrar
Frá pví árið 1975 hafa um 80,000 börn tekið
pátt í rannsókn á áhrifum fluoride-bætts skol-
vatns á tíðni tannskemmda. Pessi rannsókn er
á vegum National Institute of Dental Rese-
arch í Washington. Nýlega birtist fyrsta frá-
sögn af þessari rannsókn, og er þar talið, að
DMF-tala barnanna, sem þátt tóku í rann-
sókninni, hafi lækkað um 20 % eftir vikulegar
skolanir um tveggja ára skeið (15).
Fluoride-töflur og fluoride-bætt skolvatn
lækkar tíðni tannskemmda allverulega, en
pessar aðgerðir krefjast eftirlits með dreifingu
og notkun taflnanna og skolvatnsins. Báðar
þessar aðferðir eru framkvæmanlegar í skól-
um barnanna og geta verið í umsjá hjúkrunar-
konu eða kennara. Má láta heilan bekk nota
fluoridelyfin í einu og parf, að meðaltali, fimm
mínútur til pess að útbíta og nota töflurnar
eða skolvatnið í hvert skipti.
This is the second of two reports on a clincial study
dental services for all 6-14 year olds in lceland and
The results of the study were presented in the initial
report (Læknablaðið 66: 8, 1980), but this article
consists mainly of an estimation of the cost for
dental services for all 6-14 year olds in Icelandi and
a consideration of preventive measures which might
be utilized in the country.
It was estimated that the total costs of restorati-
ve dentistry for all 6-14 years old Icelanders in 1974
would be U.S.S 3,138,423.
The possible preventive measures were discussed:
1) Public Dental Health Education, 2) Fluoridation
of Drinking Water, and 3) Use of Fluoride in Tablets
and Mouth-rinses.
1. Anderson, R. & Grahnen, H. Fluoride tablets in
pre-school age — effects on primary and
permanent teeth. Swed. Dent. J. 69: 137-143,
2. Ast, D. B., Cons, N. C., Pollard, S. T. & Garfinkel,
J. Time and cost factors to provide regular,
periodic dental care for children in a fluoridated
an non-fluoridated area: final report. J. Am.
Dent. Assoc. 80: 770-776, 1970.
3. Backer — Dirks, O., Cox. F. H„ Hellemen, P. W.
& Reinouts Van Haga. Hematologic values of
children in a non-fluoride and a fluoride com-
munity. J. Dent. Res. 48: suppl. to No. 6, 1969.
4. Bimstein, E„ Eidelman, E. & Chosack, A. Chair
time needed for incremental dental program for
school children in Israel. Community Dent. Oral
Epidemiol. 4: 94-97, 1976.
5. Binder, K. Results of the fluorine tablet campa-
ign in Vienna. Mitt Ost Semit-Verwalt. 65: 253-
261, 1964.
6. Brudevold, F. The role of fluorine in tooth
chemistry and in the prevention of dental caries.
Pharmacology of Fluorides. F. A. Smith, Sprin-
ger — Verlag , New York, 1966.
7. Cusaeq, G. & Glass, R. L. The projected
financial savings in dental restorative treatment:
the results of consuming fluoridated water. J.
Pub. Health Dent. 32: 52-57, 1972.
8. Davies, G. N. Cost and benefit of fluoride in the
prevention of dental caries. ISBN 924 170009 2.
WHO, Geneva, 1974.
9. Doherty, N. & Powell, E. Effects of age and
years of exposure on the economic benefits of
fluoridation. J. Dent. Res. 53: 912-914, 1974.
10. Driscoll, W. S„ Heifetz, S. B. & Korts, D. C.
Effect of chewable fluoride tablets on dental
caries in school children: results after six years
of use. J. Am. Dent. Assoc. 97: 820-824, 1978.
11. Dunbar, J. B„ Moller, P. & Wolff, A. E. A survey
of dental caries in lceland. Archs. Oral Biol. 13:
571-581, 1968.
12. Kinzel, W. The cost and economic consequenses
of water fluoridation. Caries Res„ Suppl 8: 28-
35, 1974.
13. Marthaler, T. M. Caries inhibiting effects of
fluoride tablets. Helv. Odontol. Acta. 13: 1-13,
14. Nelson, W. & Svint J. M. Cost-benefit analysis of
fluoridation in Houston, Texas. J. Pub. Health
Dent. 36:88-95, 1976.
15. Ripa, L. W., Lesure, G. S. & Levinson, A.
Supervised weekly rinsing with a 0.2 % neutral
NaF solution: results from a demonstration
program after two school years. J. Am. Dent.
Assoc. 97: 793-798, 1978.
16. Russell, A.L. & Elvove, E. Domestic water and
dental caries. VII. A study of the fluoride dental-
caries relationship in an adult population. Public
Health Report. 66: 1389, 1951.
17. Schlesinger, E. R„ Overton, D. E„ Riverhead, M.
P. H„ Chase, H. C. & Cantwell, K. T. Pediatric
findings after ten years. Neburgh — Kingston
study, final report. J. Am. Dent. Assoc. 52: 296-
306, 1956.
18. U. K. Department of Health and Social Security.
The fluoridation studies in the United Kingdom
and the results after eleven years. Her Majesty’s
Stationary Office, London, 1969.
19. World Health Organization. Fluoridation and
dental health. WHO Chronicle, Geneva, 1969.