

Læknablaðið - 15.11.1980, Page 50

Læknablaðið - 15.11.1980, Page 50
294 LÆKNABLADIÐ 26. Thulin, T., Andersson, G. & Scherstén, B. Measu- rement of blood pressure — a routine test in need of standardization. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 51: 390, 1975. 27. Veterans Administration Cooperative Study Group on Antihypertensive Agents. Effects of treatment on morbidity in hypertension. II. Results in patients with diastolic blood pressure averageing 90 through 114 mmHg. JAMA, 213: 1143, 1970. 28. World Health Organization: Report of a WHO Expert Committee. Arterial hypertension. WHO Tech Rep Ser. 628, 1978. 29. Wilhelmsen, L. Hypertonins epidemiologi. Lakartidningen, 75: 2548, 1978. 30. Wollner, L., Mc Carthy, S. T„ Soper, N. D. W. & Macy, D. J. Failure of cerebral autoregulation as a couse of brain dysfunction in the elderly. British Medical Journal, 1:1117, 1979. Myndirnar hér eru frá 14. norræna pingi magalækna, sem að pessu sinni var haldid í Reykjavik. Er pad i annað skipti sem mótið fer fram hér á landi og sátu pað á priðja hundrað læknar frá öllum Norðurlönð- unum.



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