

Læknablaðið - 15.02.1984, Page 18

Læknablaðið - 15.02.1984, Page 18
62 LÆK.NABLADID ris var tengt eða spelkað með opinni aðgerð, enda hefur víðast hvar verið farið eftir mjög ákveðnum og pröngum forsendum, pegar sá úrskurður er upp kveðinn að meðhöndla skuli slíkt brot pannig (5, 17, 18, 19). í næstu grein verður fjallað um brot á miðandliti. HEIMILDIR 1) Brekkan Á & Björvinsson E. Demographic distribution and causes of diagnosed facial fractures. The Icelandic Medical Journal 1978; 64/Suppl. 6:81-7. 2) Guðnason D & Ólafsson SH. Facial fractures treated at the City Hospital in Reykjavik, Iceland 1971-1977. The Icelandic Medical Jour- nal 1978; 64/Suppl. 6: 89-94. 3) Lamberg MA. Site, type and causes of mandibu- lar fractures in 704 inpatients. Proc Finn Dent Soc 1978; 74: 1-10. 4) Olson RA, Fonseca RJ, Zeitler DL & Osbon DB. Fractures of the mandible: A rewiew of 580 cases. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1982; 40: 23-8. 5) Rowe NL & Killey HC. Fractures of the facial skeleton. The Williams and Wilkins Company, Baltimore, 1970. 6) Afzelius LE & Rosén C. Facial fractures: A rewiew of 368 cases. Int J Oral Surg 1980; 9: 25- 32. 7) Hedin M, Ridel A & Söremark R. Kákfrakturer i Sverige 1966-1967. Svensk Tandlák Tidskr 1971;64:49-62. 8) Schuchardt K, Schwenzer N, Rottke B & Lendrodt J. Ursachen, Háufigkeit und Lokali- sation der Frakturen des Gesichtsschádels. Fortschr Kiefer und Gesichtsschádels. Fortschr Kiefer und Gesichtschir 1966; 11: 1-6. 9) Van Hoof RF, Merkx CA and Stekelenburg EC. The different patterns of fractures of the facial skeleton in four European countries. Int J Oral Surg 1977;6:3-11. 10) Lehman JA & Saddawi ND. Fractures of the mandible in children. The Journal of Trauma 1976; 16: 773-7. 11) Rowe NL. Fractures of the facial skeleton in children. J Oral Surg 1968; 26: 505-15. 12) Thorn JJ, Hansen PK & Mögeltoft M. Mandi- belfrakturer í Grönland (Mandibular fractures in Greenland). Tandlægebladet 1981; 85: 725-31. 13) Kelly DE & Harrigan WF. A survey of facial fractures: Bellevue Hospital, 1948-1974. J Oral Surg 1975; 33: 146-9. 14) Melmed EP & Koonin AJ. Fractures of the mandible: A rewiew of 909 cases. Plast Recon- strSurg 1975;56:323-7. 15) Chuong R, Donoff RB & Guralnick WC. A retrospective analysis of 327 mandibular frac- tures. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1983; 41: 305-9. 16) Weiskopf J. Die Frakturen des Ramus ascen- dens der Mandibula. Deutsche Stomotol 1967; 17:3-20. 17) Dingman RO & Natvig P. Surgery of facial fractures. WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia and London 1964. 18) Tasanen A & Lamberg M. Transosseous wiring in the treatment of condylar fractures of the mandible. J Max-Fac Surg 1976;4:200-6. 19) Zide MF & Kent JN. Indications for open reduction of mandibular condyle fractures. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1983; 41: 89-98.



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