

Læknablaðið - 15.02.1984, Síða 35

Læknablaðið - 15.02.1984, Síða 35
LÆK.NABLAÐIÐ 71 rannsókn, ef ekki var um hjartasjúkdóm að ræða. í töflu IV er borin saman greining á hjartadrepi með hefðbundnum hætti og grein- ing með hjartaskönnun. Spágildi jákvæðra skanna reyndist 89 % par sem um rétta greiningu á hjartaskanni var að ræða í 58 tilvikum af 65. Spágildi neikvæðra skanna reyndist 68% í pessari rannsókn par sem 17 hjartaskönn voru tesin falskjákvætt (37:54). í töflu V er staðsetning hjartadreps á hartariti borin saman við staðsetningu á hjarta- skanni. Rannsóknunum tveimur ber allvel saman við staðsetningu á framveggsdrepi, eða í 20 tilvikum af 25, 80 %. í fjórum af peim fimm tilvikum, par sem rannsóknunum ber ekki saman, reyndist um bakveggshjartadrep að ræða. Hins vegar bar rannsóknunum ein- ungis saman í 69 % tilvika, eða 11 af 16, pegar Table I. Study group. N Sex M F Mean Age Acute myocardial infarction 75 57 18 63.8 Transmural .. 45 (32-91) Subendocardial .. 30 Other heart disease 30 23 7 69.5 Angina pectoris .. 24 (44-78) Arrhythmia 3 LBBB 2 Aortic stenosis 1 Other diseases 5 3 2 69.0 Pneumonia .. 3 (43-93) Chronic gastritis .... 2 Healthy controls 11 9 2 25.0 (22-30) Table II. Sensitivity of infarct scintigraphy. The infarctions are grouped as transmurai, subendocar- dial and all infarcts. The groups are divided accor- ding to the timing of the investigation after the onset of symptoms. < 5 days from onset of sympt. >5 days from onset of sympt. < 10 days from onset of sympt. Transmural infarcts 28/34 82 % 7/11 64 o/o 35/45 78 % Subendocardial infarcts 17/21 81 % 5/9 56 o/o 22/30 73 % All infarcts 45/55 82 % 12/20 60 % 57/75 76 % um undirveggsdrep var að ræða. Skýringin er sú, að undirveggshjartadrep voru oftast van- greind, eða í 11 tilvikum af 18. Table III. Specificity of infarct scintigraphy. The scintigraphic results are shown as either negative or positive. The numbers within parentheses show two patients with an uncertain ctinical diagnosis who probably had myocardial infarction. Total groups without infarction Scintigraphy Neg. Pos. Healthy ...-. .... ii ii Angina pectoris .... .... 23(1) 17 6(1) LBBB .... 1(1) 1 (1) Arrhythmia .... 3 2 1 Aortic stenosis 1 1 Other diseases .... 5 5 44 (2) 37 7(2) Specificity = 37/44 = 84 % Table IV. Concordance between conventional diag- nosis of infarction and scintigraphy for all infarc- tions. The left column shows positive scintigraphy and the right negative. The upper line shows those patients who had acute infarction according to conventional criteria, but the lower line shows those who did not have infarction. The two patients shown within parentheses probably had infarction although they did not fuifii all criteria. The calculati- on of predictive value is shown. Scintigraphy + — Total AMI 4- 58 17 75 - 7(2) 37 44 (2) Total 65(2) 54 119(2) Predictive value of pos.. scintigraphy = 58/65 = 89 % Predictive value of neg. scintigraphy = 37/54 = 68 % Table V. Comparison of location of infarction by ECG versus scintigram. To the left is the ECG location and above the location by scintigram. The diffuse and the false negatives are shown separately. The numbers in parentheses denote subendocardial infarction and those that could not be specified by ECG as either transmural or subendocardial. Location by ECG Ant Inf Post Dif- fuse False- neg Total Ant .... 15(5) i 2(2) (5) 2(2) 20(14) Inf 5 8(3) 2(1) 8(3) 23(7) Post ... 1 1 (1) 2(1) Uncert . (1) (2) (2) (1) (2) 0(8) Concordance rate for anterior AMI 20/25 = 80 % Concordance rate for inferior AMI 11/16 = 69 %



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