

Læknablaðið - 15.05.1985, Síða 9

Læknablaðið - 15.05.1985, Síða 9
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 121 dreyrasýki A (23) sem hafa ÁÓB. Nýlegar rannsóknir sýna, að margir blæðarar með dreyrasýki A hafa mótefni gegn þeirri veiru burtséð frá því, hvort þeir hafa ÁÓB einkenni eða ekki (24). Hlutfallslegur fjöldi þeirra blæðara, sem hafa mótefni gegn HTLV-III veirunni fer vaxandi með tímanum (24). Hvort okkar blæðarar hafa mótefni gegn HTLV-III veir- unni hefur ekki verið kannað. ADDENDUM Sermi úr áðurnefndum sjúklingum hafa ný- lega verið rannsökuð með tilliti til, hvort þeir hefðu mótefni gegn »AIDS associated retrovirus (ARV)« sem sennilega er eins og HTLV-III (Levy JA et. al. Science 1984; 225: 840-2). Rannsóknin var gerð af Jan C. Ulstrup yfirlækni á »Mikrobiologisk laboratorium Ullevál sykehus« í Osló. Við prófið voru notaðar ARV sýktar eitilfrumur einangraðar úr hommum. Til að bera kennsl á mótefnin sem bindast ARV sýktum eitilfrumum var síðan notað kanínu IgG anti-manna IgG sem merkt var með FITC og frumurnar síðan taldar samtímis með smásjárskoðun í venju- legu og útfjólubláu ljósi. Enginn blæöaranna (nr. 1) reyndist hafa mótefni gegn ARV. ÞAKKARORÐ Við þökkum Dr. Tor Lea á »Institutt for generell og revmatologisk immunologi Rikshospitalet« i Osló fyrir að láta í té sérvirk kanínu IgG mótefni gegn músa IgG mótefnum og Dr. Jan Dobloug á »Avdeling 1 Ullevál sykehus« i Osló fyrir að koma í kring mælingum á mótefnum gegn ARV. Einnig þökkum við Birgittu Birgisdóttur líffræðingi á Rannsóknarstofu Landa- kotsspítala fyrir aðstoð við mótefnamælingar og Sveindísi Þórisdóttur læknafulltrúa í Blóðbankanum fyrir vélritunarstörf. SUMMARY We have investigated the cellular and humoral immune status in five Icelandic individuals with hemophilia A rangingin agefrom 16-61 years, mean 30years.Eachwas investigated twice, with 18 months interval from July 1983 to November 1984. All have been treated with factor VIII cryoprecipitate from Finland. The average amount used forthepast fiveyears was 94.300IU peryear ranging from 2.000 to 217.000 IU per year. In November 1984 one bleeder had hepatitis B surface antigen and four had antibodies to it. In the previous investigation with another technique neither hepatitis B surface antigen nor antibody had been detected. In both investigations serum IgG levels were found to be higher among the haemophiliacs than among the controls (p<0.01, Students t-test). In the time interval between the two investigations the concentration of IgM increased significantly (p< 0.001). It was however still within normal range in four of the five cases. The proportion and absolute number of different mononuclear cell types and subtypes showed small deviations above and below the range of the control group. These immunologic findings are similar to those described in recent reports in haemophiliacs treated with intermediately purified lyophilised factor VIII cryopreci- pitates. HEIMILDIR 1) Dent PB. Immunodepression by oncogenic viruses. Prog Med Virol 1972; 14: 1-35. 2) Klepp O, Dahl O, Stenwig JT. Association with immunosuppressive therapy. A 5-year material of Kaposi’ssarcomainNorway. Cancer 1978; 42:2626- 30. 3) Urmacher C, Myskowski P, Ochoa M, Kris M, Safai B. Outbreak of »Kaposi’s Sarcoma« with cytomega- lovirus infection in young homosexual men. Am J Med 1982; 72: 569-75. 4) Arneborn P, Biberfeld GT. Lymphocyte subpopula- tions in relation to immunosuppression in measles and varicella. Infect Immunity 1983; 39: 29-37. 5) Gottlieb MS, Schroff R, Schanker HM, Weisman JD, Fan PT, Wolf RA, Saxon A. »Pneumocystis carinii« pneumonia and mucosal candidiasis in previously healthy homosexual men. Evidence a new acquired cellular immunodeficiency. New Engl J Med 1981; 305: 1425-31. 6) Masur H, Michelis MA, Greene JB, Onorato I, Vande Stouwe RA, Holzman RS, Wormser G, Brettman L, Lange M, Murray HW, Cunningham- Rundles S. An outbreak of community-acquired »pneumocystis carinii« pneumonia. Initial manife- station of cellular immune dysfunction. New Engl J Med 1981; 305: 1431-8. 7) Centers for Disease Control. nPneumocystis carnii« pneumonia among persons with hemophilia A. Morbid Mortal Weekly Rep 1982; 31: 365-7. 8) KesslerCM, Schulof RS, Goldstein AL, Naylor PH, Luban NLC, Kelleher JF, Reaman GH. Abnormal T-lymphocyte subpopulations associated with trans- fusions of blood derived products. Lancet 1983; i: 991-2. 9) Menitove JE, Aster RH, Casper JT, Lauer SJ, Gottschall JL, Williams J, Gill JE, Wheeler DV, Piaskowski V, Kirchner P, Montgomery RR. T- lymphocyte subpopulations in patients with classic hemophilia treated with cryoprecipitate and lypophi- lized concentrates. New Engl J Med 1983; 308: 83-6. 10) Goldsmith JC, Moseley PL, Monick M, Brady M, Hunninghake GW. T-lymphocyte subpopulation



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