

Læknablaðið - 15.08.1986, Page 26

Læknablaðið - 15.08.1986, Page 26
166 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ mydial infections and a few individuals were examined because they were contacts of infected patients. Contact tracing was not carried out consistently. The specimens were frosen at -20°C immediately after collection and sent within four weeks to the central laboratory where they were cultured for chlamydia. Eighteen of the 61 patients that cultures were collected from before they received antibiotic treatment, were infected with C. trachomatis, or almost 30%. The prevalence of chla- mydial infections was thus 200 per 100.000 inhabitants but during the same period not a single case of go- norrhoea was diagnosed in the district. HEIMILDIR 1. Steingrímsson Ó, Þórarinsson H, Sigfúsdóttir A, Kolbeinsson A. Könnun á tíðni sýkinga af völdum C. trachomatis á íslandi í samanburði við tiðni lekanda. Læknablaðið 1983; 69: 289-293. 2. Steingrímsson, Ó.: Klamydiasýking, langalgengasti kynsjúkdómurinn. Heilbrigðismál 32: 7, 1984. 3. Heilbrigðisskýrslur 1981-1982. Landlæknisemb- ættið, Reykjavík, 1984. 4. Schacter J. Chlamydial infections. N Engl J Med 1978; 298: 428-35, 490-5, 540-9. 5. Kristinsson, K. A., Ryan, R. W., Kwasnik, I., Steingrímsson Ó.: Samanburður á direct fluore- scent mótefna-aðferð og ræktun í frumugróðri til greiningar á klamýdíasýkingum. Abstract frá þingi Félags íslenskra lyflækna í Borgarfirði 1984. Læknablaðið 1984; 70: 345. 6. Ryan, R.W., Kwasnik, I., Steingrímsson, Ó., Til- ton, R.C.Rapid Detection of Chlamydia tracho- matis by an Enzyme Immunoassay Method. Ab- stract. Interscience Conference on Chemotherapy and Antibiotics, Minneapolis, U.S.A. 1985.



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