

Læknablaðið - 15.11.1996, Page 21

Læknablaðið - 15.11.1996, Page 21
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1996; 82 771 Sáraristilbólga á íslandi 1980-1989 Afturskyggn faraldsfræðileg rannsókn Siguröur Björnsson1), Jóhann Heiðar Jóhannsson2), Einar Oddsson31 Björnsson S, Jóhannsson JH, Oddsson E Ulcerative colitis in Iceland 1980-1989. A retrospec- tive cpidcmiological study Læknablaðið 1996; 82: 771-7 Objective: To find the incidence of ulcerative colitis in Iceland during the past decade for comparison with previous study and incidence figures from neighbouring countries. Methods: This was a nationwide retrospective study of the period 1980-1989. Cases were retrieved by reviewing all reports on tissue specimens from the large and small intestine with any type of inflamma- tion referred to the two departments of pathology in Iceland. All possible cases of uicerative colitis were then followed by a review of the clinical informa- tion. Only those cases fulfilling accepted diagnostic criteria were included in the study. Results: Thus 282 cases of ulcerative colitis were found, 166 men and 116 women, M/F ratio 1.43. The mean annual incidence for the 10 year period was 11.7/100,000. The highest age specific incidence was found in the group 30-39 years, 21/100,000/year. Most frequently the inflammation was limited to the rectum (proctitis), found in 53.9% of the patients. Proctosigmoiditis was seen in 29.8%, left-sided col- itis in 5.3% and extensive colitis in 11%. Approxi- mately 63% of the patients had been symptomatic Frá 1|lyflækningadeild Sjúkrahúss Reykjavíkur, Fossvogi, 2,Rannsóknastofa Háskóla (slands í meinafræði, 3)lyflækn- ingadeild Landspítalans. Fyrirspurnir, bréfaskipti: Sigurður Björnsson, lyflækningadeild Sjúkrahúss Reykjavíkur, Foss- vogi, 108 Reykjavík. Lykilorð: Þarmabólgusjúkdómur, sáraristilbólga, faralds- fræði, nýgengi. for less than six months before diagnosis. Informa- tion on familial cases of inflammatory bowel disease was obtained from 8.9% of the patients. Conclusion: There has been a steady and significant increase in the incidence of ulcerative colitis in Ice- land in the past four decades and the mean annual incidence has almost doubled from the last decade 1970-1979. This increase in incidence is considered real, i. e. not due to better methods of detection or a change in diagnostic criteria. Keywords: Inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, epidemiology, incidence. Ágrip Markmið: Að finna nýgengi sáraristilbólgu (colitis ulcerosa) á fslandi árin 1980-1989, sýna fram á breytingar miðað við fyrri áratugi og bera saman við kannanir í nágrannalöndunum. Aðferðir: Gerð var afturskyggn rannsókn á nýgengi sáraristilbólgu á íslandi á árunum 1980-1989. Öll bólgin ristilsýni sem bárust til vefjagreiningar á þessu tímabili, voru athuguð og grunsamlegum tilfellum fylgt eftir með könnun á sjúkraskýrslum og röntgen- og spegl- analýsingum. Við sjúkdómsgreiningu var stuðst við viðurkennd skilmerki sáraristil- bólgu. Skrá yfir áður greinda sjúklinga á tíma- bilinu 1950-1979 auðveldaði staðfestingu á því að eingöngu væri um ný sjúkdómstilfelli að ræða. Niðurstöður: A 10 ára tímabilinu greindust alls 282 einstaklingar með sáraristilbólgu, 166 karlar og 116 konur, kynjahlutfall 1,43. Meðal- nýgengi allt tímabilið var 11,7 tilfelli á 100.000 íbúa á ári. Nýgengið var hæst í aldurshópnum 30-39 ára eða 21 tilfelli á 100.000 íbúa á ári.



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