Búskapur hins opinbera 1992-1993 - 01.04.1994, Blaðsíða 42

Búskapur hins opinbera 1992-1993 - 01.04.1994, Blaðsíða 42
Tafla 2.4 Tekju-, gjalda- og fjárstreymisreikningar sveitarfélaga árin 1982-1992. Local government receipts, outlays and fmance accounts 1982-1992. Milljónir króna: 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Million krónur: Rekstrartekjur 2.732 4489 6.404 8.074 10.736 14.226 19.734 23.703 26.623 30.144 31.482 Current revenue Eignatekjur 184 372 423 747 842 1.308 1.707 2.003 1.954 2.269 2.402 Property income - Frá opinbcrum fyrirtækjum 15 33 57 110 146 207 398 485 592 852 1.235 - From public enterprises - Vaxtatekjur 144 289 286 529 539 905 1.051 1.200 998 1.067 808 - Interest income - Arður og leiga 25 50 80 109 158 196 258 319 363 349 359 - Other property income Skatttekjur 2.517 4.072 5.919 7.270 9.842 12.845 17.873 21.576 23.289 26.294 27.337 Tax revenue - Óbeinir skattar 1.193 1.986 2.947 3.491 4.630 5 852 7.864 9.487 9.590 11.342 11.570 - Indirect taxes - Beinir skattar 1.324 2.086 2.972 3.780 5.212 6.993 10.009 12.088 13.699 14.952 15.767 - Direct taxes Aðrar tekjur 32 46 62 56 52 73 155 124 1.380 1.582 1.743 Other nontax revenue Rckstrarútgjöld 2.028 3.448 4.353 6.023 8.397 11.173 15.027 18.764 19.175 22.004 24.605 Currcnt expenditurc Samneysla 1.557 2.550 3.213 4.455 6.242 8.141 10.934 13.498 15.125 17.620 19.679 Govemment final consumption - Laun og tengd gjöld 929 1.462 1.625 2.274 3.245 4.584 6.134 7.337 8.526 9.949 10.783 - Wages - Afskriftir 60 107 135 184 237 288 339 435 521 583 641 - Consumption af fixed capital - Kaup á vöru & þjónustu 568 981 1.453 1.997 2.760 3.270 4.461 5.726 6.078 7.088 8.255 - Purchases of goods & services, net (+) Kaup 849 1.498 2.172 2.999 4.200 5.097 6.867 9.011 9.824 11.166 12.654 (+) Purchases (-) Sala 281 517 719 1.002 1.440 1.827 2.406 3.285 3.746 4.078 4.399 ( -) Sales Vaxtagjöld 129 253 247 368 503 792 1.115 1.522 1.533 1.755 1.633 Interest payments Framleiðslustyrkir 67 86 108 157 209 261 327 469 672 969 998 Subsidies Tekjutilfærslur 276 558 785 1.044 1.443 1.978 2.652 3.275 1.845 1.661 2.294 Current transfers - Til opinberra aðila 192 411 471 643 929 1.244 1.643 2.089 226 0 601 - Other levels of govemment - Til heimila 50 85 217 270 292 435 587 651 788 802 945 - Households < Frá almannatryggingum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 < Social security benefits < Aðrar tekjutilfærslur 50 85 217 270 292 435 587 651 788 802 945 < Other income transfers - Til félagasamtaka 33 63 96 131 222 298 422 535 831 859 749 - Nonprofit institutions - Til útlanda 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - Transfers abroad HREINN SPA RNAÐUR 704 1.042 2.051 2.051 2.339 3.054 4.707 4.939 7.448 8.141 6.877 CURRENT BALANCE Fastafjárútgjöld 756 1.123 1.340 2.040 2.457 3.279 4.904 6.716 7.252 8.755 8.590 Capital balance Verg Qármunamyndun 903 1.474 1.691 2.513 2.926 4.217 6.376 8.186 8.040 9.128 9.582 Gross capital formation Afskriftir (-) 60 107 135 184 237 288 339 435 521 583 641 Consumption of fixed capital (-) Fjármagnstilfærslur, hreinar -87 -245 -216 -290 -232 -651 -1.132 -1.034 -267 210 -351 Capital transfers, net - Veittar fjármagnstilfærslur 218 317 409 392 405 418 550 947 1.458 2.166 1.553 - Capilal transfers paid < Til opinbcrra aðila 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 < Other levels of govemment < Til annarra aðila 218 317 409 392 405 418 550 947 1.458 2.166 1.553 < Other resident sector - Fengnar fjármagnstilfærslur 305 562 625 682 638 1.069 1.682 1.981 1.725 1.956 1.905 - Capital transfers received < Frá opinberum aðilum 290 527 597 657 615 1.033 1.638 1.940 1.676 1.855 1.802 < Other levels of govemment < Frá öðrum aðilum 15 35 28 25 23 36 44 41 49 101 102 < Other resident sector TEKJUAFGANGUR/HALU -52 -81 710 11 -118 -225 -198 -1.778 196 -614 -1.713 F/NANCIAL BALANCE Kröfu- og hlutafjárútgjöld 105 3 143 406 899 1.216 823 156 1.492 156 509 Net increase in claims Veitt lán, nettó -51 -84 -161 -109 411 153 989 227 513 307 417 Lending minus repayments - Veitt lán 1 20 1 64 861 553 1.397 555 1.234 1.369 1.338 - Total lending - Afborganir 52 104 162 173 450 400 408 328 721 1.062 921 - Total repayments Eiginfjárframlög 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Change in equity holdings Skammtíma kröfur og viðsk. 156 87 304 515 488 1.063 -166 -71 979 -151 92 Other claims HREIN LÁNSFJÁRÞÖRF 157 84 -567 395 1.016 1.440 1.021 1.934 1.296 770 2.222 NET BORROWING REQUIREMENT Tekin lán, nettó 72 33 -242 235 1.000 1.287 1.132 2.234 1.604 1.085 2.433 Net borrowing - Tekin lán 189 300 398 523 1.700 2.485 2.666 3.717 3.813 3.880 5.275 - Total borrowing - Afborganir 117 267 640 288 700 1.198 1.534 1.483 2.209 2.795 2.842 - Total repayments Lækkun sjóðs & bankareikn. 85 51 -325 160 16 153 -111 -300 -308 -315 -211 Decrease in cash and bank deposits 40
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Búskapur hins opinbera 1992-1993

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