Búskapur hins opinbera 1993-1994 - 01.03.1995, Qupperneq 10

Búskapur hins opinbera 1993-1994 - 01.03.1995, Qupperneq 10
Table 4.10 Detailed account of social security system's current transfers at current prices and as a percentage of total current transfers....... 58 Table 4.11 General govemment gross capital formation 1984-1993 at current prices and its proportional division................................ 59 Table 4.12 Central govemment capital transfers 1984-1993 at current prices and their proportional division..................................... 60 Tables 5.1-5.12 Total expenditures classified by function and type................ 61 Table 5.1 General government total expenditures 1993.......................... 63 Table 5.2 General government total expenditures 1992......................... 64 Table 5.3 General government total expenditures 1991......................... 65 Table 5.4 General govemment total expenditures 1990.......................... 66 Table 5.5 Central government total expenditures 1993.......................... 67 Table 5.6 Central govemment total expenditures 1992......................... 68 Table 5.7 Central govemment total expenditures 1991......................... 69 Table 5.8 Central govemment total expenditures 199Q......................... 70 Table 5.9 Local govemment total aexpenditures 1993.............................. 71 Table 5.10 Local government total aexpenditures 1992............................. 72 Table 5.11 Local govemment total expenditures 1991............................... 73 Table 5.12 Local govemment total expenditures 1990............................... 74 Tables 6.1-6.3 General government expenditures on cducation, health and social security and welfare......................................................... 75 Table 6.1 Government expenditures on education 1980-1994........................ 77 Table6.2 Government expenditures on health 1980-1994........................... 78 Table 6.3 Government expenditures on social security and welfare 1980-1994...... 79 Tables 7.1-7.2 General government debt and claims................................. 81 Table 7.1 General government debt and claims 1980-1994.......................... 83 Table 7.2 Central govemment debt and claims 1980-1994........................... 84 Tables 8.1-8.4 General government finances 1945-I98Q.............................. 85 Table 8.1 General govemment main aggregates 1945-1980.........................87-89 Table 8.2 General govemment expenditures 1980-1980 classified by purpose......90-91 Table 8.3 General government expenditures 1980-1980, their relative components.. 92-93 Table 8.4 General government expenditures 1980-1980 as percentage of GDP......94-95 Tables 9.1-9.2 The public finances in OECD countries, intcrnational comparison... 97 Table 9.1 The financial balances and general govemment net debt 1989-1994....... 99 Table 9.2 General govemment current revenues and total expenditures 1960-1994 as a percentage of GDP............................................... 100 Table 10.1 Development of main economy aggregates 1980-1994....................... 101 11. Appendixes..................................................................... 103 Appendix 1. English translation of the main concepts used....................... 105 Appendix 2. Publications from National Economic Institute....................... 109 8
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Búskapur hins opinbera 1993-1994

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