

Læknablaðið - 15.09.2003, Blaðsíða 15

Læknablaðið - 15.09.2003, Blaðsíða 15
FRÆÐIGREINAR V HRÖRNUNARSJÚKDÓMAR HEILA Hrörnunarsjúkdómar í heila - oxavarnarensím og kopar Kynning á rannsóknum Þorkell Jóhannesson1 PRÓFESSOR EMERÍTUS í LYFJA- OG EITUREFNAFRÆÐI Jakob Kristinsson1 LYFJAFRÆÐINGUR, SÉRFRÆÐ- INGUR í EITUREFNAFRÆÐI Jón Snædal2 LÆKNIR, SÉRFRÆÐINGUR í LYF- OG ÖLDRUNAR- LÆKNINGUM 'Rannsóknastofa í lyfjafræði og eiturefnafræði, Lyfjafræði- stofnun HÍ, 2Öldrunarlækn- ingadeild Landspítala Landakoti. Fyrirspurnir og bréfaskipti: Jón Snædal, Öldrunarlækn- ingadeild Landspítala Landakoti v/ Túngötu, 101 Reykjavík, símar 543 9805 og 824 5518. Bréfsími 525 1819. jsnaedal@landspitali. is Lykilorð: kopar, oxavarnar- ensím, Alzheimer, Parkinson, hreyfitaugungahrörnun, Downs heilkenni, einhverfa, riða. Ágrip Inngangur: Hrörnunarsjúkdómar í miðtaugakerfi eiga langflestir það sameiginlegt að í þeim á sér stað sam- söfnun og útfelling á próteinum í taugafrumum eða utan við þær hver sem orsökin kann að vera. Talið er að efnabreytingar, sem eru undanfari samsöfnunar og útfellinga, séu skaðvaldurinn fremur en útfelling- arnar sjálfar. Efnabreytingar þessar leiða að öllum Iíkindum til myndunar á skaðlegum súrefnisfríhóp- um. Oxavarnir líkamans, sem bæði taka til sértækra efna og oxavarnarensíma, vinna gegn þessu ferli og því hefur þeirri tilgátu verið varpað fram að veiklað- ar oxavarnir séu sameiginlegur þáttur í meingerð hrörnunarsjúkdóma í miðtaugakerfi, hvort sem er í mönnum eða öðrum spendýrum. Aðferðir: Magn kopars og virkni tveggja oxavarn- andi ensíma sem innihalda kopar, cerúlóplasmíns og súperoxíðdísmútasa 1 (SODl), var ákvarðað í blóð- inu. Gerðar voru tvenndarrannsóknir er tóku til Alz- heimer sjúkdóms, Parkinson sjúkdóms, hreyfitaug- ungahrörnunar og sjúklinga með Downs heilkenni auk sjúklinga með einhverfu. Einnig var gerð rann- sókn á sauðfé á mismunandi svæðurn með mismun- andi líkum á riðusmiti. í þeirri rannsókn var að auki ákvörðuð virkni glútatíonperoxídasa sem er selenríkt oxavarnarensím og magn mangans ákvarðað í blóð- inu. Niðurstöður: Oxunarvirkni cerúlóplasmíns og virkni SODl var marktækt minni í Alzheimer sjúkdómi án ENGLISH SUMMARY Jóhannesson Þ, Kristinsson J, Snædal J Neurodegenerative diseases, antioxidative enzymes and copper. A review of experimental research Læknablaðið 2003; 89: 659-71 Introduction: In almost all degenerative diseases of the brain aggregation of proteins inside neurons or extra- cellulary, is a common pathological phenomenon regard- less of etiology. It is assumed that the biochemical path- ways leading to aggregation are more harmful than the aggregations themselves and most likely imply production of free oxygen radicals. This oxidative stress is in the body met by free radical scavengers in the form of specific chemical substances and antioxidative enzymes. It has therefore been postulated that defective free radical defense is a common pathway in most neurodegenerative diseases in humans as well as in other mammals. Material and methods: The concentration of copper and the activity of two antioxidative copper containing enzy- mes, ceruloplasmin and superoxide dismutase (SOD 1), was analyzed in the blood. A series of case control studies were performed in Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinson's disease (PD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) as well as in Down's syndrome and autism. Furthermore, a study in sheep was conducted in different areas with different risks of infection of scrapie. In that study, in addition, the activity of the selenium-containing enzyme, glutathione peroxidase, was determined as well as the concentratíon of manganese in blood. Results: The oxidative activity of ceruloplasmin and SOD1 was shown to be significantly lowered in Alzheimer's dis- ease without any signs of copper deficiency. In Parkinson's disease, the oxidative activity of ceruloplasmin was also on the whole shown to be signifcantly lowered, and further- more, it decreased significantly as well as the SOD1 acti- vity with duration of the disease. In ALS, the means of all of the determinations were shown to be the same, but the equality of variances differed significantly in the patients compared to their controls. In Down's syndrome past the age of 40, when Alzheimer's type changes appear in the brain, the SOD1 activity and the ceruloplasmin specific oxidative activity (activity in relation to concentration) was significantly lowered compared with the younger patients. In autism, a non-degenerative affection of the central nervous system, there was no difference between patients and their controls. In the sheep, the results indicated a relationship between decreased glutathione peroxidase activity, and possibly also SOD1 activity, and increased susceptibility to scrapie infection. No connection was found between ceruloplasmin oxidative activity and sus- ceptibility to scrapie infection. Susceptibility to scrapie infection was apparantly not conntected with low levels of copper or high levels of manganese in blood of the animals. Discussion: The results indicate that the oxidative defenses in four neurodegenerative diseases with different clinical features are defective as the activity of two copper containing antioxidative enzymes, ceruloplasmin and SOD1, was found defective in all of them. In a developmental syndrome (autism), where neither active degenerative changes nor aggregations are found, no such changes in enzyme activity were detected. The results thus support the idea that deranged oxidative defense is a common denominator in the pathogenesis of these diseases. As far as sheep is concerned, the results also indicate, that there is a defect in oxidative defense connected with increased susceptibility to scrapie infection in the form of lowered glutathione peroxidase activity. Key words: copper, antioxidative enzymes, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Down’s syndrome, autism, scrapie. Correspondence: Jón Snædal, jsnaedal@landspitali.is Læknablaðið 2003/89 659
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