Hagskýrslur um mannfjöldaþróun - 01.01.1963, Blaðsíða 8
Mannfjöldaskýrslur 1951—60
14. Live birthsi legitimate and illegitimate, each year 1951—60, by months and sex .............. 24
15. Live births, legitimate and illegitimate, each year 1951—60, by molher's age group........... 25
lóALive births 1951—60, by mother's age group and birth number .................................... 26
16BLive births each of the years 1951—60, by birth number.......................................... 26
17. Live births, legitimate and illegitimate, each year 1951—60, by father's age group........... 27
18. Still-births, legitimate and illegitimate, each year 1951—60, by months and sex............... 28
19. Still-births, legitimate and illegitimate, each year 1951—60, by mother's age group .......... 29
20A Still-births 1951—60, by mother's age group and birth number .......................... 30
20B Still-births each year 1951—60, by birth number................................................... 30
21. Multiple births each year 1951—60 .............................................................. 31
22. Number of deaths each year 1951—60, by residence in town or district...................... 32
23. Deaths each year 1951—60, by sex and age........................................................ 33
24. Number of deaths 1951—60, by residence and place of death in town or district............ 34
25. Deaths of legitimate and illegitimate children under 5 years of age 1951—60 .................. 36
26. Deaths 1951—60, by sex age and marital status............................................... 40
27. Deaths each of the years 1951—60, by sex and marital status................................... 41
28. Deaths each of the years 1951—60, by months .................................................. 41
29. Deaths 1951—60, by sex, age and cause of death according to Detailed List 1955. Also deaths
each year 1951—60, by sex and cause of death.................................................. 42
30. Deaths 1951—55 (I) and 1956—60 (II) by sex, age and cause of death, according to List B
1955 (Abbreviated List, 50 cause groups) ..................................................... 72
31. Deaths among children 0—4 years 1951—60, by age and cause of death, according to List B
1955 (Abbreviated List, 50 cause groups) ..................................................... 76
32. Deaths 1951—60, by months and cause of death, according to List B 1955 (Abbreviated List,
50 cause groups).............................................................................. 78
33. Deaths 1951—55 (I) and 1956—60 (II), by residence in town or district and by cause of death
according to List B (Abbreviated List, 50 cause groups)....................................... 80
34. Accidental deaths and suicides 1951—60, by sex, marital status and cause of death according
to E-code of List 1955 (external cause)....................................................... 88
35. Deaths in motor vehicle accidents (E-No. 810—835) 1951—60, by age etc........................ 90
36. Mortality table based on registrations 1951—60 .............................................. 91