Hagskýrslur um iðnað - 01.01.1958, Page 128

Hagskýrslur um iðnað - 01.01.1958, Page 128
Brief summary in English. Collection of data on tlie activities of manufacturing establishments is author- ized in law No. 64/1934, on industrial production statistics. A similar census of manufacturing establishments was lield in respect of year 1950 and its results were published in report No. II, 7 of the Statistical Bureau of Iceland: Industrial Production Statistics 1950. No reports are available in this field otlier than the 1950-report and the present one in respect of 1953. But data on insured working weeks in manufacturing according to the yearly income tax returns are prepared annuallv and exist on a comparable basis for the years 1947—55. The data for 1947-—50 are puhhshed in the 1950-report and the data for 1951—55 in the present report. The field covered by the present report is tlie activities of all estabhshments paying accident insurance premiums and predominantly occupied in manufactur- ing (division 2—3 according to the Uuited Nation’s International Standard Industrial Classification oj all Economic Activities (ISIC)). As a consequence of tliat, non- industrial activities of manufacturing establishments are in some cases included because the books of the establishments in question are not kept in sucli a way that non-industrial activities can he isolated. On the other hand, the manufactur- ing part of non-industrial establisliments is not included, hut that is of very httle importance. The ceusus unit is the establishment as defined in the ISIC, and the activities are also, with a few minor exceptions, classified according to tlie ISIC. “Rate of reporting,‘> indicates the part of total number of insured working weeks in each group for wliich data have been submitted by manufacturing esta- blisliments. Tlie rate of reporting for manufacturing as a whole in 1953 was 79,5°/0. Data for the remaining 20,5% have been estimated. In the 1950-report this gap was not filled up by estimates and only actual data published. In the present report data are submitted on the fohowdng items: Kind of activi- ties, place of production, kind of ownership, number of persons engaged, number of man-liours paid, income, expenditure and net profit, value of output, materials used in the production, value added and its components, value of stocks and fixed assets. Data on quantities of produced finished goods and of used raw materials were requested in the manufacturing census questionnaire, but owing to defective- ness of the answers, no such data are published in the present report. Gross output (and income) is valued at ex-factory selling prices, including subsidies, but excluding sales tax (i.e. at “factor cost”). In some cases, however, invoiced values are used instead of ex-factory prices, e.g. fob or cif values in the exports industries (fish processing) where the producers export their own products. Materials used in the production are valued at “market price”, but not at “factor cost”. Sales tax is included in “market price”, but not subsidies for lower- ing prices, except in manufacture of dairy products where subsídies are counted both in income and in expenditure.
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Hagskýrslur um iðnað

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