Hagskýrslur um iðnað - 01.01.1958, Page 131

Hagskýrslur um iðnað - 01.01.1958, Page 131
Iðnaðarskýrslur 1953 83 5-6 Operatives. 5 Working proprietors (only in establish- ments owned by individual persons and hability companies). 6 Other. 7-8 Administrative, technical, clerical and other workers. 7 Working proprietors (only in estabbsh- ments owned by individual persons and , hability companies). 8 Other. 9 Total. 10-13 Expenditure on fixed assets (items on profit and loss account). 10 Depreciation. 11 Repairs and maintenance (incl. materials used). 12 Insurance premiums and taxes on real j property. 13 Total. 14-19 Other expenditure. 14 Cost of fuel and energy. 15 House-rent paid. 16 Interest. 17 Production duty. 18 Other expenditure. 19 Total. 12. Cost of raw materials 1953, by origin and major groups. 3 Purchase value of domestic raw materials used. 4 Per cent of total value of raw materials. 5 Purchase value of imported raw materials. 6 Per cent of total value of raw materials. 7 Purchase value of total raw materials used. 8 Col. 4 -f col. 6. 13. Value of invested capital in fixed assets and stocks at end of 1953, by major groups. 3 Stock of raw materials, semi-finished and finished products (book value). 4 Stock of goods for sale without processing (book value). 5 Insurance value of buildings. 6 Insurance value of machinery and equip- ment. 7 Total. 14. Insured working weeks of operatives in con- struction, and in production and distribution of electricity and gas 1951—55. Numbers refer to lines, not columns. Division 4. Conslruction. 41 Construction and repair of roads and bridges. 42 Construction and repair of harbours and lighthouses. 43 Construction and repair of hydroelectric plants and telephone and telegraph sys- tems. 44 Construction and repair of buildings. 45 Other construction and not specified. Division 5. Electricily and gas. 511 Electric light and power. 512 Gas manufacture and distribution. Table section. In all tables except Nos. II, III, XV: Col. 1-2 ISIC code, major groups and groups. „ 3 Names of major groups and groups. Table I. Main table for the manufacturing groups 1953. 4 Number of establishments mainly occu- pied in manufacturing. 5 Number of insured working weeks of opera- tives. 6 Average number of operatives. 7 Average number of administrative, techni- cal, clerical and other workers. 8 Total man-hours paid to operatives. 9 Gross income. 10 Gross expenditure. 11 Col. 9 -i- col. 10. 12 Book value of stocks at end of 1953. 13 Insurance value of buildings, machinery and equipment at end of 1953. 14 Average number of persons engaged per establishment. 15 Average gross income per establishment. 16 Value of invested capital at end of 1953 (col. 12 and 13) per establishment. 17 Rate of reporting. Table II. Number of accidcnt premium payers and insured working weeks 1953, by towns and districts. 1 Towns and districts. 2 Population on dec. 1 1953. 3 Number of insured working weeks of ope- ratives (except sales workers) in manufac- turing. 4 Of this preserving of fish and production of fish oil and meal (groups 204 and 312). 5 Col. 4 in per cent of col. 3. 6 Insured working weeks of administrative, technical, clerical and other workers (in- cluding sales workers). 7 Number of accident premiums’ payers.
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Hagskýrslur um iðnað

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